Group Classes and Workshops

Six Week Mindfulness Meditation Workshop

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This is a form of meditation that brings us into a state of awareness. 
To practice mindfulness will help one to reduce his/her levels of stress. To build your self-awareness and emotional intelligence so that you can cope with painful thoughts, feelings, memories, and urges in a better way. 

Learn about what is and what is not the principles of mindfulness

The Foundational Attitude of Meditation

Formal and Informal Mindfulness

Learn how to use Mindfulness in both personal and workplace settings

Learn the link between the head, the heart, and the intuition.

A process of personal reflection and investigation throughout. 

Mindfulness meditation is like sitting in a quiet cave inside your own head, a sanctuary from the noise of the world. 

Imagine a long, deep breath, filling your lungs with the very essence of the now, and letting go of everything else.

week program is $150 00 AUD per person

Register your interest for our upcoming Six Week Mindfulness Meditation Workshop.

Meditation 60- 90 Minute Class

Every second and forth Wednesday of the Month starting @ 5:30 PM

The whole point of meditation is to put you in what is called the state of non-judgmental awareness’.

You can do this by focusing on your breathing and using visualisations to keep your awareness in the present. With a regular mindfulness meditation practice, you will be able to move beyond that monkey mind tug-of-war of anxiously hoping for the future and worrying about the past.

 Meditation is a way of keeping you in the present moment, whether there is anything else to do or to think about in the world around you. Whether or not you find Nirvana, you can find your serenity. You can decide to change your life for the better and make mindfulness meditation a part of your life, starting today.

Why guided mediations?

Guided meditation is an excellent location for individuals to begin their journey. When you meditate alone, when you are new to it, your mind may wander, and you will not be able to get the most out of your practice. Your guided meditation session may involve sitting comfortably on the floor or even lying down. You will be guided through visualisations in order to help you relax and focus, release tension in the body, and increase feelings of calm and relaxation. Some meditations may also incorporate music or sounds to assist you in relaxing into deep relaxation..


Meditating with a guide can combat this problem and can take away some of the pressure that one can feel when just starting out. There are so many proven benefits of guided meditation. Some being.

  • Stress relief
  • Anxiety relief
  • Improving mood
  • Combating depression
  • Help with drug and alcohol abuse
Total cost per session is $25.00 AUD person

Soul Focussed Healing through the chakra


This revolutionary course takes you on a very personal journey: a journey to understand and heal these life-giving energy centres. 

You will discover various strategies to help restore the flow of energy in order to keep you and those around you in the best of health—physically, mentally, and spiritually.

As you progress through this process, you will gain a clearer understanding of your self-consciousness. 

This new level of understanding will create a perfect harmony between your mind, your emotions, and your spirit. 

You are endowed with the ability to alter the lives of others, including your own, through the use of energy that lies within you.

It is incredible when taking this course to do this work on yourself as you begin learning and practicing on others.

Learn to manage and harness energy efficiently.
Learn about the 7 main Chakras and how they work
Learn about the other 5 Chakras
Learn the relaxation, balancing frequencies and guided meditation to heal and balance the Chakras
Find out how this heals and empowers you
Feel joyful, happy and healthy
Manage stress and frustration better in the day-to-day activities
Restore and enhance health and energy in yourself

Total cost for the course is $50,00 AUD per person


Mastering Crystals for Healing

crystal healing
What Kind of Knowledge Can You Expect to Acquire While Taking This Course?

You will be given a concise overview of the history of crystals. The explanation of how crystals cross the gap between science and magic.

Everything you need to know to include crystals in your healing practice, including instructions on how to do so.

  • Crystals are a powerful tool used to help strengthen and balance the seven chakras.
  • You are going to acquire knowledge about crystalline formations.
  • Crystals for clearing, charging, and setting intentions in this process.
  • A guide to selecting the gemstones and crystals that are ideal for you
  • How to use crystals to establish intentions
  • How to work with those intentions after they have been set
  • The top 50 crystals, ranked by Chakra, along with information on their structures and qualities.
  • Become familiar with the many Crystal forms as well as the applications for each one.
  • You will acquire an understanding of why crystals may be of assistance in the healing process
  • And more…Includes Crystal Bowl Healing—Crystals for each chakra
Total cost for the course is $50,00 AUD per person

Soul Writing

soul writing

You don’t have to be a writer to be inspired or to be able to put that inspiration into words and share it with others.

To allow that creativity to flow, all you need to do is be in touch with your intuition and listen to the still, quiet voice inside.

We will help lead you through meditations to help you be able to convey your thoughts in a way that is more artistically based on your spirit or intuition. 

Soul writing enables you to view the world in a more inspired and intuitive manner, which in turn enhances your understanding of yourself and of the world. Learning to write from this place enables you to see the world through those eyes. 

You will not only be amazed by the uniqueness and beauty of your work but also realize how significant and trance writing can be for your personal development, as you will have challenges to face. 

Not only will you be amazed, but others will be too. Besides that, it enhances your union with the Divine, which is a way of spiritual growth that involves the release of inner resources for expression and growth. Course Includes Workbooks, Meditations, and Journals Crystal Bowl Healing


Total cost for the course is $50.00 AUD per person for 3 Hours