Purpose Passion and Possibilities

Five Simple Ways to get out of that Comfort Zone Successfully!

Take action!There are times in our business and our lives that it just gets so overwhelming that it is easy to shut down; close the doors; become invisible all which make for great excuses.Ā  Bulding a business takes time, persistence and patience and sometimes we need to just go wherever our emotions take us.Ā  To Step Up to do the things that are often most difficult; and takes more time than expected.Ā  And of course naturally our reaction is then to criticise ourselves.Ā  So Stand Out and take whatever comes, it is only a message to push ourselves forward.Ā  Here are my 5 steps of getting me out of my “STUCKNESS’!

Step 1: Feel the pain – Right now, list all the pain you are feeling by staying stuck where you are. What are you giving up, what are you accepting, that you never thought you would? How is staying stuck affecting your financial situation? Make this list as painful as you can. When you see what being stuck is doing TO you, the light will go off where you will say ‘enough is enough’ and begin to take action.

Step 2: Take charge of your actions – When you improve your life, your business, your relationships and your financial situation get better! When life gets better, we are happier, more productive! Make the decision that you are ready to take charge right now!

Step 3: Control how you react – When life throws you a curve ball, get ready to catch it and control the way you react. Is staying upset, furious, frustrated, angry, and depressed working for you? What can you do to grow from this experience?

Step 4: The glass is always half full – ALWAYS think positively. The way we think determines what we say and ultimately turns into how we act and respond to life. Think positively before you react to any bad thing that might have happened.

Step 5: GROW with your PAIN – When you go through anything painful or that feeling of being stuck, think of these experiences as growing pains that are getting you out of that ‘no-go zone!’

Now Reach Out and Go For It

Certified Mentor & Coach for Women Reeny Barron Law of Attraction, Energy Psychology and New generation techniques to empower transformational entrepreneurs to achieve their life and business goals aligning mindset and marketing ā€“ Connecting Heart and Business to Attract the Right Clients, Income and Lifestyle. Ā Ā Her blogs, includes inspirational articles showing you how to use your business to create your ideal lifestyle.Ā  Grab the full article,Ā ā€œGet Unstuck -Ideas to Release your Creativity, at http://www.womencreatingpossibilities.com


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Hi I'm Reeny

I will encourage you to question your perceptions, beliefs, inner critics, thoughts about your identity and the impact you have on the world.

Ā  I’ll support you as we work on balancing your energy system drawing from the strength of your self to revitalise and harmonise all parts of your existence.

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