Purpose Passion and Possibilities

Do YOU See Your Potential?

To live successful lives as women, we are constantly defining and redefining who we are, how we move in the world and how our personal definitions of success hold up to society and the world around us.Ā  Can you see your potential?

Many of us wear multiple hats: mother, partner, business owner or professional, caretaker of older parents ā€“ itā€™s rewarding and can be exhausting as well.

Yet, we seem to find a way to balance all our roles, even if we sometimes find ourselves exhausted and low on emotional resources.

Iā€™m a firm believer that as women, we possess power, grace, potential and ability that although sometimes seems beyond our knowing, is really just buried, waiting for us to excavate and act on.

Itā€™s so much easier for us to see the potential and wonder in those we love than it is to see it in ourselves. And yet, we truly are our own best resource for ideas, for guidance and for problem solving. Of course, we thrive when we get support ā€“ most women are not wired to go it alone. We particularly like tapping into the resources that the women in our lives often are.

Have you ever had the experience of knowing exactly what to say to a friend in need? You know just the right words to comfort and encourage. You believe in her completely and you can be the mirror she needs to reflect your view and regain her confidence and belief in herself.

Yet, when it comes to your own needs and dealing with your own challenges, you feel less generous and kind and a lot less knowing as well. Why is that? Iā€™m here to tell you there is a way to tap into that well of compassion and deep knowing and use it to nurture yourself, to find your truth and to vision your life exactly as you want it to be.

Then, you can realize that vision. We live busy lives in a fast-paced world and we can so easily lose sight of our inner knowing and abilities. Yet, they lay dormant, just under the surface and easy to access, easier than you might imagine or realize.

Itā€™s often a case of ā€˜rememberingā€™ what you already know and being shown how to tap into your own wisdom, to recalibrate your inner compass to lead you exactly where you most desire to go. Iā€™ve spent the better part of the last 2 years doing research, thinking, reflecting and writing. Iā€™ve questioned how I can help other women tap into what they know and realize their dreams.

My book The Art of Feminine PowerĀ is the fruit of those years and itā€™s available for you to follow and to look into your potential as stand in your essence and step back into your strength and inner knowing. Click here to learn more.

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Hi I'm Reeny

I will encourage you to question your perceptions, beliefs, inner critics, thoughts about your identity and the impact you have on the world.

Ā  I’ll support you as we work on balancing your energy system drawing from the strength of your self to revitalise and harmonise all parts of your existence.

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