Sound Healing Techniques for Grief

Dealing with sorrow is an experience in life that we all face at some point whether its, from losing a relationship or saying goodbye to a friend. It’s important to handle these moments with compassion and empathy. While we may never fully recover from a loss, we can learn to appreciate it with love and understanding as we move forward. In healing Solfeggio tuning forks are used to bring balance and tranquility to our path.

 Each frequency in the collection serves the purpose of aligning our energy and supporting harmony among our body, mind, and spirit. With nine forks dedicated to aspects of healing they help, for areas of life. The depth of one’s grief is consistent with the seriousness of their loss. Unresolved loss may be the root cause or aggravating factor for two medically recognised “mood disorders”: anxiety and depression.

“Grief: Investigating the Adaptations of the Body, Mind, and Brain,” writings of Mary Frances O’Connor. Psychosom Med. 2019 Oct; 81(8): 731–738.  See: Grief: A Brief History of Research on How Body, Mind, and Brain Adapt ( 

How Does Sound Frequencies Help Us Get Over Our Grief?

We all go through moments of sadness in our lives regardless of the magnitude of the loss – whether it’s a loss or a relationship divorce. While there may not be a a total healing for grief there are constructive and comforting ways to heal your heart and come to terms with it.

Expressing your emotions.

Talking about loss can help in the healing process. However, some people find it difficult to articulate their feelings. If you struggle to seek solace from others during times or if your grief is deeply personal exploring sound therapy could provide comfort as you navigate this phase. Embracing loss and moving forward can set us on a path towards healing when complete recovery feels distant.

In sound therapy individuals undergoing treatment can wear Solfeggio tuning forks on parts of their bodies to enhance relaxation and harmony during the process. By aligning with the frequencies, in each Solfeggio tone one can support alignment across physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects. Each of the nine forks in this collection emits frequencies that support aspects of wellbeing.

The significance of these frequencies is amplified by their ability to alleviate and release the burden of grief and loss accumulated over a lifetime. Incorporating tibetan bowls, crystal singing bowls  or other sequences of tuning forks using various fre can help clients in achieving a state of relaxation and expedited recovery.

Sound Healing Techniques for Grief

Why we grieve?

When a loved one passes away, it is common for people to experience grief. Feelings of purposelessness, identity crisis, or helplessness might set in after experiencing a loss that is eerily like death, such as a breakup or estrangement from a loved one.
– Specific causes:
1. Death of a loved one
2. Divorce or relationship breakup
3. Loss of health
4. Losing a job
5. Loss of financial stability
6. A miscarriage
7. Retirement
8. Death of a pet
9. Loss of a cherished dream
10. A loved one’s serious illness
11. Loss of a friendship
12. Loss of safety after a trauma
13. Selling the family home
14. Secondary losses — milestones in life that your loved one won’t be there for. Can trigger unresolved grief within.
15. Collective grief for issues occurring with a culture or on the Planet as a whole
16. Unexpected
17. Grief over thinking you could have done something different
18. Post Traumatic Stress Incident
19. When someone changes a belief pattern you have grown accustomed to
20. Grief in Process – Loss when a disability happens
21. Grief for what’s going on the Planet/ Collective grief

Emotional sources or underpinnings

Regret — for choices you’ve made, things you’ve done and would do differently now.

Judgment — judgment can cause grief and trigger existing grief into an episodic experience. Can be self-judgment or from an external source.

Ancestral grief that your field carries on.

General sense of something being pulled from you or something that is unattainable. 

Trauma and abuse — (domestic, family, socially, mentally, emotionally) — also ancestral inherited trauma and abuse. 

Grief can also come from Anxiety when you judge or shame yourself for feeling anxious. Another form of self-judgment that can cause long term grief.

Sound Healing Techniques for Grief

Practices involving the use of sounds and vibrations aim to bring about a sense of peace and balance within oneself. Sound therapy can ease feelings of sadness. Foster a connection, to strength. You don’t need knowledge to feel its benefits. This guide is here to introduce you to healing techniques for dealing with loss. sound healing techniques for grief

When it comes to using sound therapy tools for coping with grief there are options available. These instruments produce calming sounds. Using various frequencies help in releasing emotions and fostering inner healing. 

Tibetan Singing Bowls

These age-old instruments produce captivating tones that resonate throughout the body inducing relaxation. Played with a mallet to create vibrations that aid in relaxing the mind and releasing emotional stress. The resonating frequencies of these bowls can gently guide individuals on a comforting path, towards processing and healing their sorrow.  sound healing techniques for grief

Tuning forks with Various Frequencies

When applied to body areas they help create harmony encouraging relaxation and emotional release. By using tuning forks, on energy points individuals can. Let go of grief allowing for a feeling of relief and rejuvenation.   Including frequencies, like 528 Hz and 396 Hz may enhance your state of being when you’re going through a period of mourning. These tones are thought to promote healing and foster a feeling of tranquility. To make the most of these benefits it’s recommended to take part in a guided healing session aimed at supporting you as you navigate through the grieving journey.

Shamanic drums 

These drums have been used for centuries across cultures in healing practices. The steady rhythmic beat of the drum can induce a trance state enabling individuals to delve into levels of consciousness. Immersing oneself in the sound of the drum helps in processing and transforming grief leading to a sense of release and inner tranquility.

Quartz crystal singing bowls

Crystal Singing Bowls create calming melodies when they are played producing vibrations that spread through the body to alleviate barriers and support wellness. The soft and peaceful tones they produce establish an atmosphere that can ease feelings of melancholy. . Many individuals coping with loss find comfort in these sounds creating an atmosphere that supports recovery and stress reduction proving it to be a valuable approach in coping with sorrow. Moreover, sound healing sessions provide accessibility and flexibility for individuals who may not be able to attend in person sessions. sound healing techniques for grief

Using Gongs

The resonant sounds of a gong influence both the mind and body. When used in settings the gong surrounds individuals in a setting that encourages serenity. Its strong vibrations help in releasing suppressed emotions such as sadness and cultivating a sense of comfort.

There are ways to cope with feelings of sadness. For example, we use crystal singing bowl and solfeggio tuning forks.  Each of these instruments produce soothing sounds and vibrations easing the emotions of grief.   Every session is targeted to release the emotional impact on our energetic body.

If I had sound journey session what would be the effect?

 When partaking in a sound journey, otherwise known as a sound bath, it offers you time to relax through instruments like gongs, chimes and singing bowls while practicing meditation. The aim of attending a sound journey is to immerse yourself in vibrational healing which can reduce the side effects from grief and loss. These vibrations can offer a sense of calm providing comfort within your energetic body reducing the effects of sadness.

How many individual sessions would I need to help with my grieving?

As each session is tailored to the individual it can vary.  Some prefer to have one-on-one sessions.   Remember, always pay attention to your body, and choose what feels right for you.  You can start with one session to assess your response.  If you feel you may need more sessions, your therapeutic sound healer makes the adjustments.

What studies support the effectiveness of therapeutic sound therapy for helping with my grieving?

 Many studies have been written that have shown therapeutic sound healing has an impact on our overall health.  Sound and the vibrations from the various instruments used can help in reducing the impact of grief and loss, improving one’s mood.  While there is more research to be found, therapeutic sound healing as a coping strategy has promising effects.

Therapeutic Sound Healing Helping to Deal with Grieving

When it comes to using sound therapy tools for coping with grief there are options available. If you are feeling signs of grieving, contact me to discuss how we can help reduce your symptoms

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