The dawn of freedomWe all seem to want everything done quickly, faster and faster until eventually we feel we have no time for anything, we can’t even breathe very easily – do you know the feeling? I think sometimes we’re so busy doing, we forget to make time to not be busy – time for just being.

I believe it’s sometimes harder to know exactly what we want than it is to get what we want. It requires taking the time to focus, to vision, to see your future in your minds’ eye, to picture it and then walk boldly toward it saying “this or something better” and knowing it will be done.

For a long time I envisioned my life in a modest house – a shack was what I pictured – on an island. I pictured beautiful water views, balconies to gaze out from, all surrounded by trees, so protected and private and lots of fresh air. I saw myself at peace, really able to enjoy the environment, a place where I could just be and get to know myself more deeply.

I held this vision for five years, believing – and sometimes wondering – how I would find the income and resources to make this dream a reality. One day I got a funny call from a friend to tell me about another friend of hers who was going to set sail around the South Pacific and wanted to rent her house on Scotland Island. She was wondering if I knew anyone who might be interested. Hello! Yes! Me!

I went immediately to meet the owners and see their house. I was wide-eyed when I saw not a shack, but a beautiful mansion right on the water, complete with a jetty and a boat house. It all faced north east which is the very best direction possible.

This home was way beyond my imaginings and of course I took it and it became my home. I had long held onto my vision, not knowing how or when it would manifest, but manifest it did. My big lesson was that sometimes we work and struggle and if we can just learn to let go and lean into our vision our bright bold future appears just as we envisioned and often better. The Divine has it mapped out for us, our job is to let go and let it be. Let it come to us the way it was meant to happen.  You will always attract into your life the people and events for which you are psychologically and spiritually ready.  As mentioned above,  life is always sending us messages.

When we try and control the outcome, we may find ourselves wrapped in fear, frustration and anxiety.  It can really help to envision what you want and let go into the possibilities that the universe has for us – that means letting go long enough for those possibilities to manifest. Focus on what you want and breathe into the phrase “this or something better”.

Let go, trust and receive. To your abundant blessings!

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