Creative CommonsTo understand our relationship with money, it is essential to recognize that it give us power in the world.  Having money allows us to do things, to get things, to make things happen.  It gives you confidence and conviction to make an impact on the world around you.

Even though it does not inevitably allow us to fulfill our spiritual, mental or emotional needs, it can help us in particular ways to meet with those needs. For instance, money might make it easier to live in an atmosphere that nurtures our spirit, or might satisfy a longing to travel.

Money can’t guarantee us true prosperity, but it does symbolize power to accomplish things on a physical level.  Our relationship with money reflects how we feel about our power to affect the world.  Since money is a mirror of our consciousness, the more at ease we are with being powerful, the more money we are apt to create in our life and business.

Many of us have issues with power, and these are likely to be reflected in our relationships with money.  In fact, if you have constant financial problems, I encourage you to take a deep, honest look at your feelings about power.

If we have issues about power, we typically relate to money by either pursing it or avoiding it.  If we crave power, we may pursue money as a way of acquiring power.  However, a yearning for power is really how we compensate for a basic feeling of powerlessness.

We may be driven by the unconscious desire to evade our deep feelings of fear and helplessness.

This is what motivates many entrepreneurs who have great wealth but are fanatical with obtaining more.  They can’t actually enjoy their money or power.  No sum of money will ever be enough to take away the fear that is unconsciously held on an emotional level.  Money made in this way will by no means bring an experience of prosperity.  Only by consciously recognizing our fear and vulnerability can be start the healing process that leads to true feelings of abundance.

If we are afraid of our power, we may unconsciously keep ourselves from making plenty of money, since to have money is to have power.  In fact, struggling with financial need is a very effective way to keep ourselves feeling powerless, and therefore steer clear of the risks we may connect with power.

I am not suggesting that everyone in the world who is poor is fearful of power; there are clearly many other issues involved.  However, if you live in a culture and an environment of comparative financial prosperity and you are experiencing need; ask yourself what part of you might be unconsciously making that choice.

I’ve worked with lots of women who have had a pattern of struggling to make ends meet financially, and never succeeding beyond just barely making it.  Some have a pattern of sabotaging themselves whenever they get close to any kind of big successThese patterns typically point to conflicting feelings about power.

If we had early life experiences of being physically or emotionally abused by someone with power, or if we have observed someone mishandling power, we may be deeply imprinted with a fear of power. Or, we may be afraid that if we become too visible (successful in the world) we will be noticed and abused again.  We associate being seen with being unsafe.   At the same time, we may fear that if we allow ourselves to become powerful, we will also abuse that power in some way as well.  Unconsciously, we may prefer to remain powerless and struggling rather than take the risk that power maybe corruptive or harmful.

If we become alert of these unconscious patterns, we can start to heal them. Once more, it’s a matter of balance—being vulnerable enough to recognize our needs and being powerful enough to take responsibility for ourselves.  The more at ease we are with our natural power, as well as our vulnerability, the more at ease we will be with money and the more probable we will be to manifest,  attract it, and accumulate it into our lives and businesses.

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