Purpose Passion and Possibilities

How Do You Relate to Setting Goals?


My recent connection with my client yesterday got us talking about setting goals. She found it very difficult to pinpoint the day to day activities that she wanted to complete to achieve her aim of getting more clients. We talked about Brian Tracy , an icon in Business Practice and Jack Canfield, who recently published the book Tapping into Ulimate Success with Pamela Bruner, which was all about goal setting. All very precise and action oriented.

Our discussion went further than knowing the process to feeling that sometimes in the magic of life, that it is not always necessary to set process (day to day) goals because it inself it is like controlling outcomes. I am not saying that we do not need them, to have aspirations without action and of course, having a vision is very important. Vision boards are a great reminder how much a vision can help create our outcomes.

My question was more about if we are setting such controlled actions to achieving a result, does this not then control universal flow of what is possible. Hmmm?

I would love to hear your comments on this. Leave them below.

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Hi I'm Reeny

I will encourage you to question your perceptions, beliefs, inner critics, thoughts about your identity and the impact you have on the world.

  I’ll support you as we work on balancing your energy system drawing from the strength of your self to revitalise and harmonise all parts of your existence.

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