Embrace the Power of Past Lives

Past Life Regression Therapy NSW

Past life regression is an exciting and fascinating journey into your soul's history. It is a technique that allows you to access memories of your previous lives, unlocking deep insights into your present and future. By exploring your past lives, you can gain a better understanding of yourself, your relationships, and your life purpose. You may discover hidden talents and abilities, or receive healing and closure from unresolved issues. When you embrace the mystery of your own soul's journey. You open yourself up to limitless possibilities and an enriched, more meaningful life experience.

It is common for people to recogise the strengths and weaknesses of others. But it can be difficult to acknowledge them in ourselves. Through past life regression therapy, individuals can retrace their previous incarnations. You can better understand their current selves and life's purpose.

This form of therapy has its roots in hypnosis. It can help individuals recognise patterns of behaviour and errors made in past lives. Potentially spurring growth and self-improvement. Acknowledging these patterns can offer tremendous personal insights. Guiding people in their journey towards their personal development.

past life regression

How Does Past Life Regression Work?

Surprisingly, regressing to a past life involves all of your senses. The recollection may play out like a film. Or it may be more like a string of indistinct looks that set the scene. Depending on the setting, you may hear music from a dance or explosives from a war. Additional odours may stick out in your mind can be burnt flesh, horse leather, or the smell of dirty human perspiration.

Your emotions will be swept up in a natural way as the narrative progresses. A great variety of emotions may bring on tears.  From joy after returning home from battle to sorrow at seeing a slaughter.  Or the excruciating agony of a child’s death. Strong emotional memories may be accompanied by physical feelings.  This can happen as a heaviness of a heavy burden or the agony of an arrow penetrating your flesh as you draw near to death. As you move through your life narrative and death, these bodily feelings and emotions, no matter how genuine they seem at the time, fade rapidly.

What Happens During Healing

Some people find healing by going back to a previous life. You didn’t enter this world empty-handed, but rather with a soul with wisdom and scars from past lifetimes.

Past lives leave an imprint on everyone of us.  Even if it’s unconscious and full of energy. What we are today is shaped by these experiences. It might include things like emotional debts, regret, love, wisdom, unfinished business, broken promises, mistakes, triumphs, emotional debts, awful and unexpected deaths, and so on.

The mental and emotional baggage we carry from our past sets patterns we continue to play out in the present. These inclinations may have positive or negative consequences. Our relationships, behaviours, motivation, and even physical health are all susceptible to their effect. Imparting information, shaping preferences, nurturing skills, and revitalising purpose in life are all within the realm of positivity’s view. Bad habits cause problems in many areas of life, including self-destructive behaviour, impaired judgement, damage to others, and stagnation.

To live in the present moment to the utmost, it is helpful to recall these experiences so that we can break bad behaviours. Strengthening good habits and breaking negative ones is the goal.

As a sort of spiritual healing, past life regression involves working with difficulties that have persisted from previous incarnations..

Where Does Past Life Regression Go From Here?

You might remember your previous lives in a variety of ways. While reading a book or watching a movie, it could happen on the spot.

What happens throughout the session?

The primary objective of any therapist visiting a client is to create a comfortable environment via the use of nonverbal signals like smiling, making eye contact, and moving about. Some people also find that playing soft, neutral music softly in the background helps.

To personalise your approach to the opening language and the session itself, you and your therapist will go over your session goals after creating a comfortable setting.

Finally, before you go back to your old life, you’ll have to create a safe place in your head.

This sanctuary is an ideal place to come back to reality if you find thinking about your past incarnations to be terrifying or upsetting.

past life regression


As a Past Life Regression Therapist, I Perform

I am trained to put their patients into a hypnotic condition, which allows them to reach their subconscious and unearth long-forgotten memories of former lives. A secure and comfortable space will be your therapist’s priority to help you through what may be an extremely taxing procedure.

Entrainment is the state of mind that allows you to let your guard down the most. A little prod from the therapist will keep you from entering a deep trance. While you are under the influence of hypnosis, your therapist will ask you questions designed to bring up specific experiences from your past.

Crucial to PLRT is the questioning step. 

Incorrect questioning might divert the client’s attention and set the session on a whole different trajectory.  The next step is to find meaning in your recollections of your former lives as they pertain to your present. Using the results, I work with you to discover answers to the problems you’re facing right now. 

Mental and Emotional Healing

Mental and Emotional Healing

Believe in yourself, even if you're currently facing distress, apprehension, or self-harm. These are common feelings, and they may be linked to a past experience. Don't worry though, because there is a solution. Past Life Regression Therapy (PLRT) is an incredibly powerful tool that can help you identify and tackle the root cause of these negative emotions. By exploring our past experiences, we can gain important insights that can help positively change our lives. You are a strong and courageous person, and you have what it takes to overcome your inner struggles and emerge even stronger. Trust in PLRT to guide you towards a more happy and fulfilling life.
Finding your true purpose in life

Finding your true purpose in life

Past Life Regression (PLR) is a powerful tool that can provide valuable insights into your life's purpose by examining your past experiences. This therapeutic technique can also assist in uncovering any unresolved issues from past lives which may require attention in the present. By addressing these concerns, you can make informed decisions that align with your values and bring greater fulfillment to your life. PLR is a positive and transformative process that can help you overcome obstacles and lead towards a more purposeful and satisfying future.
Taking a fresh look at things

Taking a fresh look at things

This particular therapeutic approach is focused on enabling people to resolve complex and intricate life challenges that cannot be managed by traditional counseling techniques. It is a unique and innovative approach that explores one's past life experiences and identity issues and provides a fresh and distinct perspective on life. The transformational nature of this approach is inspiring, often leading people to transform their mindset and adopt a more fulfilling life. The approach offers a haven for people to find a sense of peace, clarity, and understanding in their lives, which can be challenging to find without the right guidance and support.

As a spiritual practise, past life regression

More and more, people are beginning to acknowledge past life regression as a valid spiritual healing method.

You become acutely aware that you are more than a physical body when you have an encounter with your past lives as a soul.  Regardless of the religion you practise (or lack thereof). Maybe for the first time ever, you come face to face with the core of your being. 

This is in harmony with and related to the larger energy of the universe. This occurs often throughout my sessions. It brings a profound sense of tranquilly to people who encounter it.


End Thoughts

Both your history and your plans will serve you well. Yes, regressing to a previous existence may help you learn more about the knowledge that has stood the test of time.

You may benefit much from learning from your former incarnations if you want to achieve inner peace, mental clarity, and spiritual enlightenment.

But there may also be painful recollections of losses and defeats that accompany reminiscences of the past. Leave the poison behind and take just the knowledge. Allow your enlightened soul to lead the way

Are you ready to explore the events of your Past Life?

You may discover hidden talents and abilities, or receive healing and closure from unresolved issues