Believe in yourself and Fly Free

When we trust and have faith in ourselves, amazing things happen. How much time and effort do you spend improving your own sense of worth, self-assurance, and skills? Think about a person you know who a beacon of assurance and conviction is. Not someone with an air of superiority or a cocky confidence in their own talents, but someone who exudes real joy and assurance.

What’s their success level?  Very likely they’ve achieved some great success in their lives over time.

It’s simple to attribute their achievement to their own arrogance, and to some degree this is true. Success, however, is a byproduct of self-confidence. Being confident in one’s abilities and expecting to achieve one’s goals is a winning combination. Success breeds success, so believe in yourself, your skills, your abilities, your gifts, and your talents, and accomplish what is yours to do in the world.

Various individuals may attribute their self-assurance and sense of accomplishment to different sources of motivation. Not so much its origins, but rather its cultivation is of paramount importance. Beginning with self-compassion is the first step. Do you ever have private conversations with yourself, either out loud or in your head, in which you express thoughts and feelings that you would never share with another human being? If that’s the case, you need to STOP! Get out of your rut. Treat yourself with the same compassion you’d save for close loved ones and cherished companions.

The next step is to immerse yourself in self-help and achievement books. Every day, read something, even if it’s only a few sentences. You have control over how much, but not how frequently, you read. This is a daily need. Reading for only five minutes first thing in the morning and again before bed will have a profound effect on your life. You may change the course of your day and prepare yourself for a restful sleep and an optimistic morning by feeding your mind with data that strengthens your convictions, self-assurance, and outlook.

It’s amazing what a determined effort can do for your confidence in yourself, your outlook, and your success in everything that you do. No, I don’t mean putting on a cheerful face and pretending like everything is OK when it’s not. I mean the kind of deep, lasting happiness that comes from being at peace with oneself and the world. The cultivation and development of such self-assurance and happiness may have far-reaching effects on one’s personal and professional life.

Focus on taking stock of yourself and assessing your strengths. We dwell long and hard on our shortcomings. Can you comfortably write down your ten best traits? Get the opinions of a few close friends or family members on what you do well. Think about how you can put more effort into cultivating and prioritising such traits after hearing their feedback.

When you can become your own best friend, the biggest champion of your own cause, you start to believe in yourself and your abilities and you begin to cultivate the mindset that begets your success. Spend 90 days deliberately retraining your brain with upbeat material, and you’ll be astounded by the results. You may replace that negative voice inside with constructive ideas and optimistic reflections. You’ll have a newfound confidence in yourself, and it will show in every facet of your existence. You have nothing to lose by trying this – just 10 minutes a day – and so much to gain. So, how about you rise to the challenge and retrain your brain for success? Seem easy enough? It is – Just Do It!

Take the time to develop a business plan that feels authentic, and then develop a clear plan of implementation. When you understand that the foundation of business is to share value with someone else, you come full circle with a heart-centered spiritual practice. Her blogs, includes inspirational articles showing you how to use your business to create your ideal lifestyle.