soul's truth

How we can ‘master’ our soul’s truth and ego

Life coaches are great at helping us set a direction, achieve our goals and attributes.  Keeping us accountable for the actions we commit.   It gets you focused on what you want, why you want it, and how you can get it. All the practical thinking tools that enable us to bridge gaps between present and future enabling us to reach our goals or accomplish our dreams.  The energy is focused on actions and getting a result.  But what happens when we are stuck and the goals, we agree upon just doesn’t get the result.

Creating a New Map

The first step in creating a new map is by learning to master our EGO.  When we are in a state of awareness, how do you know what you are desiring or passionate about is real.  The REAL Thing(!) Any goal of the EGO or Desire not related to our soul’s truth and will go nowhere.  Our minds are powerful tools and since the days when Freud identified the Ego.   How do you move pass the temptation of the Ego?  By becoming self-aware –  the objective observer.  Before taking any action take a moment to just pull back.  When you leave your ego behind you will feel into what is right for you in a situation. You conquer the challenge we all face: getting out of our heads, away from our fears and from what we’re told is right.  This can be either out loud or through old cultural messages designed to keep us in limited thinking.  Getting into your heart where YOUR soul’s truth lives. Your heart’s intuition breaths knows and guides. However, how we can ‘master’ our soul’s truth and ego to acquire the desired results and understanding of our being in the world . Our soul has its own plan(!)

Our Soul’s Truth is under the EGO’s spell.  

Most of us have a vast mix of both positive and negative thoughts and feelings through our days.  Unless we have a strong reaction we are unaware of everything we think and feel.  When you become aware of your feelings that arise and start looking at them more closely, you have the power to change how you react. Even a small shift – beginning with awareness can take the enormity and potential overwhelm out of the things that get in your way or stop you cold. Awareness allows you to get a new perspective and change the thoughts and feelings before they overtake you and bring you away from your desired action or result into inaction and fear.  It is not necessary to dismiss our defenses, and other strategies to insure our survival.   The challenge is one of learning to dance with the energies of our EGO and our Soul’s journey.

Doubt Shadows our Self Worth

Our Soul values being, It takes a long term view beyond a single lifetime.  There is no preference for an experience the ego might be seeking.  It sees all experiences as teachings along the path no matter how the ego experiences them. What gets in the way is doubting our self-worth.   Our Ego is capable of repressing us rather than freeing us up with new creative solutions in our lives.

It seems to be very difficult to talk about “the” ego without considering “it” a kind of object or thing.   While everyone who talks about ego agrees that “it” has a function, “it” also appears to have an implicit drain on attracting what we want in our lives. 

Our Ego serves a purpose for our personal mind our personal self.  It overshadows our self worth keeping us place, and a slave to our emotions both good and bad.  It craves particular life circumstance and wants, approval and aspects.

Our Heart Space 

Coming from a heart space our core, our EGO has to take a back step whether we like it or not, as it can hold you back – operating  from the EGO level you will tend to just react, like children we just get in there and fight for what want. The EGO doesn’t live in the heart space; it is almost as if it gets choked when the heart takes over.  If you have to prove yourself to either you or to others, prove them wrong, or from another point of view, feel uncomfortable, and resistant, the EGO has just jumped in. Simply any negative emotion keeps us stuck in our EGO it is like a form of guilt.   When you operate from the heart you experience a more open flowing and comfortable feeling your desires will manifest themselves.  For now, start with what you are consciously triggered by.  See if you can precisely identify what you feel about what a person said or an event.  Write down the words or phrased clearly describing these feelings.

“The soul of us is never confused about why it is here. It only asks us to wake up and see the breadcrumb clues it has been leaving all along. It asks us to have courage to face the wounds we have been hiding, allow it to heal them and untangle the heavy, snarled patterns. Because the soul of us has no doubt whatever that it can and, if we allow it to express fully, can live a life of such power and joy through us that our human selves will be astonished.”

Doing what we Love

Doing what you love and having a passion does not necessarily mean you will earn the income and lifestyle you desire. At the end of the day, your soul purpose plan, goals, aspirations and energy must be aligned. Working with your Highest Self will always bring inner peace and empowerment.  When you find that connection accessing this power of your soul, you will easily and effectively make the changes you desire. Life coaches are great at helping us setting a direction, achieve our goals and attributes.  Keeping us accountable for the actions we commit.   It gets you focused on what you want, why you want it, and how you can get it. All the practical thinking tools that enable us to bridge gaps between present and future enabling us to reach our goals or accomplish our dreams.  The energy is focused on actions and getting a result.  But what happens when we are stuck and the goals, we agree upon just doesn’t get the result.

Living in a World of Duality

Imagine what life would be like if we could remove all negative emotions were just swept away and we could only access positive feelings.  Can you imagine what the world would be like?  Perhaps we would be fully able to live our soul purpose and bring our creative passions, empowering ourselves and others to live brilliantly and joyfully sharing our purpose for being here in the lifetime. In our life we seek inevitably feelings of superiority/ inferiority, pride and worthlessness, success and failure.  If we continually feel the opposite, or when we feel mistreated, devalued or betrayed, we get stuck in a loop of anger and vulnerability.  These negative emotions keep us stuck in our ego.  If we can transcend our ego, from attachment and the feelings of lack of self-worth, our natural spirit will transcend which we want to be.  Until we can change the energy patterns of the emotional pain of the original wounds, we will continue to draw to ourselves more and more of what we are sending out.

Soul’s Truth

Doing what you love and having a passion does not necessarily mean your lifestyle will change.  At the end of the day, your soul purpose has a plan.  Its, goals, aspirations and energy must be aligned. Working with your Highest Self will always bring inner peace and empowerment.  When you find that connection accessing this power of your soul, you will easily and effectively make the changes you desire.  You will achieve the outcomes you most aspire.      

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