Time Line Therapy

Time Line Therapy® (TLT) is a technique that taps into the potential of our minds to help rapid and substantial changes, in our lives. This form of therapy helps people release emotions, confront limiting beliefs and cut self-sabotaging behaviours. . 

Imagine your mind like a vast library, where all your memories, experiences and feelings are neatly organized in chronological order. This personal timeline holds the key to uncovering the patterns and behaviors that may be holding you back. Time Line Therapy® involves delving into this unconscious timeline to name and release negative emotions such as anger, sadness, fear, guilt and hurt. 

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One of the principles of Time Line Therapy® involves recognizing the link, between our memories and emotions. By revisiting events we can access the associated emotions and transform them into more positive and empowering feelings. During a Time Line Therapy® session an experienced practitioner will lead you through techniques to revisit experiences, release suppressed emotions and redefine the importance of those events. 

Time Line Therapy® has shown effectiveness in addressing the root causes of our challenges. Dealing with surface level issues, it confronts the core problems directly allowing us to release negative emotions and limiting beliefs that have hindered our personal growth and successes. By overcoming these obstacles we can bring about a shift, in our perspectives, behaviors and outcomes. 

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The benefits of Time Line Therapy® are extensive. In addition, to removing feelings and restrictive beliefs also fosters self awareness encourages development and improves overall well-being. By engaging in Time Line Therapy® people can discover increased motivation, stronger connections with others, better decision making abilities and improved well-being. It provides a foundation, for growth empowering individuals to shape the life they truly wish to live.   

Time Line Therapy® is known for helping people reach their potential by releasing emotions challenging limiting beliefs and conquering self-destructive habits. With the guidance by a TLT practioner this technique allows individuals to reshape their narratives and build a happier and more successful tomorrow. If you’re ready to shake off the weight of the past and carve out a future, Time Line Therapy® might just be the answer you’ve been seeking. 

Dr. Tad James, a specialist, in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) created Time Line Therapy® to help individuals release emotions linked to experiences such as anger, fear, sadness, pain and guilt. This approach also helps in breaking free from thought patterns and overcoming self-limiting beliefs that impede ones pursuit of a fulfilling life. 

The presence of emotions can impede aspects of life including work, relationships, health and overall, well-being. By detaching these emotions from occurrences individuals can transform their behavior and outlook on life. When faced with situations, in the future that would typically evoke negativity they will be better equipped to handle them rather than reacting based on past emotional responses. 


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Here is an overview of how Time Line Therapy® works;

Unlocking the Power of the Subconscious Mind; In a session of Time Line Therapy® ®, the therapist guides the client into a state to access their mind.    Exploring Past Experiences; The client is led back, to moments from their past that occurred before negative emotions took hold in their subconscious.   Letting Go of Emotional Baggage; The therapist helps the client identify events that triggered emotions and supports them in releasing these burdens permanently. It’s worth noting that Time Line Therapy® ® doesn’t erase memories but separates emotions from those memories.   

Time Line Therapy® ® can enhance aspects of life by removing emotions, boosting confidence, enhancing relationships and achieving personal goals. This therapy is a tool for addressing a range of physical, mental and emotional issues such, as those listed below 

Stress Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Anxiety, Depression, Addictions, Phobias and Fears, Emotional Eating, Weight Loss Concerns,  Emotional Disturbances, Poor performance at Work, Sports or Academics,  Financial Difficulties Sexual Dysfunction 

What to Expect in a Session ?

In a Time Line Therapy® session, which usually lasts ninety minutes, there is no requirement, for sessions. Once the underlying cause of an emotion is pinpointed and removed from the clients subconscious it triggers an effect. This can aid in eradicating triggering occurrences in their life that elicit the emotion.     

At the commencement of the therapy session the therapist leads the client into a state of calmness while discussing the emotions they want to tackle. The client remains fully engaged throughout as they focus on releasing past emotions to break from limiting beliefs and behaviors that are affecting their life.   Following the session clients often feel a sense of relief and lightness. To help them on their path, to healing therapists offer guidance on strategies that empower clients to make informed decisions moving forward. 

Is Time Line Therapy® Safe?

Time Line Therapy® is carried out in a safe way that encourages relaxation and overall, well-being. Furthermore, individuals do not have to revisit memories from their past which could potentially lead to discomfort. TLT offers benefits for individuals of all age groups.  


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