Healing and Coping with Grief using Sound Frequencies.

Feeling stuck during mourning the lose of a love one is a common experience. The lasting ache of sorrow and grieving can be overwhelming. When you turn to Sound Healing for Grief, you have the chance to release pent up emotions from losing someone dear to you. No matter how hard you try, feelings of regret will always sway your decisions and behaviours. While grappling with grief, it’s normal to feel confused, angry, doubtful, guilty, scared and even rebellious.

A sense of impending doom lingers within you, hindering your inner light from shining through. Giving in to sorrow might cloud your outlook on things. Embracing a victim mindset is a tendency that loss often fosters. Building emotional barriers while mourning can create obstacles for feelings and anxious thoughts to break through. The depth of one’s grief corresponds with the weight of their loss. Unresolved grief could be at the heart or contributing factor for two recognised “mood disorders”; anxiety and depression.

Mary Frances O’Connor’s writings are featured in the Psychosomatic Medicine journal on grief and its effects on body, mind and brain adaptation by referring to the article titled “Grief; A Brief History of Research.” The intensity of ones grief aligns with the gravity of their loss.  The writings, by Mary Frances O’Connor can be found in the Psychosomatic Medicine journal volume 81 issue 8 pages 731 738. For insights on the topic of grief and its impact on the body, mind and brain adaptation refer to the article titled “Grief; A Brief History of Research” available

sound therapy for grief

How Does Sound Healing for Grief Can Help

Grief and challenges are parts of life that can feel overwhelming at times. Dealing with the loss of a loved one or the end of a relationship is a journey that requires time and support to navigate. Thankfully there are ways to make this path, towards healing and discovering peace. Engaging in conversations about your thoughts and emotions can be helpful during periods of sadness. Even if expressing these feelings openly may be difficult for some individuals.
If sharing your grief publicly doesn't feel right seeking sound healing therapy could offer some help. Sound healing for grief provides an approach that can bring comfort to those in mourning. By using Solfeggio and Harmonic tuning forks individuals can create a soothing atmosphere to relax their minds and ease feelings of tension and unease.
Each frequency produced by these tuning forks plays a part in releasing the burden of grief. The therapeutic sounds and rhythms can help in relaxation and healing. Using vibrational frequencies such as 528htz known as the love frequency, can help individuals with an opportunity to regain balance and peace enabling them to find comfort in the moment while holding onto hope, for what lies ahead.

tuning forks

How our Sound Treatments help with grief

Listening to soothing sounds can bring about a sense of peace and serenity contributing to one's sense of wellness. Sound healing for grief often incorporates a variety of instruments, such as koshi chimes, Tibetan bowls and crystal singing bowls. Additionally, vocal toning is commonly used to help achieve a state of relaxation.
During a session positive affirmations such as "You possess strength and capable of healing" or "You are complete and whole" can provide further comfort. Professionally trained sound healer therapist undergo training to stimulate the body's energy centres. They use tuning forks to reform energy fields tailored to an individual, to promote healing.


Still, you have an innate instinct for when things aren't right.

When in a session Sound healing therapists often suggest using affirmations such as "I'm not feeling well " "I feel so sad" ". I feel a bit shaky" to articulate our emotions. Feelings of anger, sadness and despair may resurface following events of a loss. Reaffirming using positive affirmations such as "I am well, I am okay, I feel my body is healed, I am joy and in peace." During moments of sadness or anxiety, our bodies may enter a state of freeze that renders us feeling powerless and immobile. The autonomic nervous system takes charge of functions like breathing eliminating the need for effort. Sound frequencies can recalibrate our vibrations by honing on the symptoms. . When tuning forks emit sounds simultaneously, they can produce harmony with in mind, body, emotions and spirit. It may be time to engage in sound healing grief, as a holistic approach to healing the emotions from a loss of a life or a relationship. This approach to healing can bring an individual into a parasympathetic state . This when when we can rest, heal and restore. Our bodies will then naturally react to vibrations by moving into synchrony to restore balance. Instinctively our bodies seek out these frequencies to re-establish harmony. Gradually our body returns to its natural rhythm.

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