sound therapy mid north coast

You are an individual of resonating at different frequencies. From the moment when light was first created by a power to the realms, within our universe everything in our surroundings vibrates.

Recognizing that we are interconnected with this concept of vibration enables us to align ourselves with the world. It’s truly amazing how sound waves provide an illustration of how vibrations function, offering lessons for us.

Practices such as sound therapy, essential oils and acupuncture can effectively guide us back to equilibrium by fine tuning and harmonizing our frequencies.

Its captivating how dolphins can detect sounds at frequencies as 180,000 hertz while our hearing may not be as acute

We can still nurture our physical and mental health by appreciating the influence of frequency.

Lets embrace the energy of vibrations to cultivate a life that’s balanced and, in tune.

heart math torus

Did you know that our hearts produce a magnetic field every time it beats?

This phenomenon is a result of the coordinated efforts of our heart muscle cells generating a current that gives rise to this field. Whats intriguing is that unlike the activity recorded by an electrocardiogram the magnetic field produced by our hearts extends beyond our bodies.

This indicates an exchange of energy, between our hearts and minds. Our bodies are constantly. Receiving energy fostering a flow of vitality. This insight sheds light on the marvels of our bodies and their capabilities. It’s important to acknowledge this energy exchange and harness it for promoting our well being and making an impact on those, around us.


The Law of Attraction holds influence, over shaping your reality. Understanding its mechanics empowers you to utilize its potential for fostering transformations in your life. The crucial aspect involves directing your focus towards the vibrations you emit into the universe. Similar energies attract one another implying that to draw in experiences and individuals you must first resonate at a frequency.

Visualize it as two droplets merging to form something exquisite and potent. Elevating your vibrations initiates the process of attracting what you aspire to manifest.

Therefore dedicate moments each day to centering your thoughts and aligning your energy with the wavelength of your ambitions. Always bear in mind that you possess the ability to welcome abundance and joy into your life with the Law of Attraction serving as a guiding force, toward that goal!

It Time to Raise your Vibrations

sound healing

When you embrace love, joy, passion and enthusiasm, in your life you’ll approach each day with your self no matter the imperfections. When faced with challenges you’ll find the strength to overcome them and achieve success.

As I delve deeper into understanding The Law of Attraction I’ve come to believe less in forcing outcomes and, in nurturing our own positive energy while trusting the natural course of our lives.

The key is simply to focus on positivity and maintaining high energy levels.

Experience the power of sound healing. Tuning forks, tibetan and crystal singing bowls can elevate your vibration and open the doors to manifestation through higher frequencies. Embrace your transformative journey to a higher state of being.

Contact me now to learn more



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