Simply put, my answer is no.

Whenever we reach the point when we believe we know everything, we need to ask ourselves.  “Can the full future ever be comprehended by anyone—or at all?”

Our Guides tell us that the complexity of interpersonal connections and everyday life.  Meaning we can only predict the future with a certain degree of precision. Simply put, my answer is no.

Whenever we reach the point when we believe we know everything, we need to ask ourselves, “Can the full future ever be comprehended by anyone—or at all?”

Our Spirit Guides tell us that the complexity of interpersonal connections and everyday life means that we can only predict the future with a certain degree of precision.

We are able to see what is ahead of us.  But the way, the timing of, and the probability that we will get there are less definite, and they are within our control.

It is a complex question that can only be addressed by seeing into the limitless future.  However some people believe that the outcomes of future events are automatically preordained or completely predestined. We would be nothing more than puppets

It is possible to receive mistaken advice. It is pointless to counter it. It is one of the reasons why, if you want to meet your Spirit Guides, you cannot put too much pressure on yourself. This is not difficult, and there is a built-in safety feature.

When seeking advice, it is crucial to ask the correct questions. It is also important to keep your discernment abilities sharp and aware. It is all too easy to become so enthralled by the prospect of communicating with other spirits that your ability to judge what you are being taught becomes obscured.

You will be less likely to be drawn into instances of incorrect guidance if you remember that Souls/guides do not know everything. that in order to contact sincere guidance, you must first reach the level of awareness; that when receiving guidance from another channel, you must be certain that they are channelling from a higher love of consciousness; and that not every voice claiming to speak from another realm is genuine; and that not every voice claims to speak from another realm is genuine.

Spirit Guides may tell you what to do, and it is simple to think that what they tell you to do is exactly what you need to carry out. Never trust a Guide who gives you too much directive advice. They will tell you, “This is my perspective on your present circumstance; I hope it provides some comfort and opens up new possibilities for you, but the onus of decision always rests on you.” Those who would have us believe that we are incapable of making our own judgments may easily influence us if we put too much faith in the concept that there are correct and wrong alternatives.

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