Why Is It Important?

inner self, self discovery, soul purpose, soul journey

Have you ever wondered why you were born and the importance of knowing your inner self?

What is your purpose for being here?

What is the meaning of your life?

We all have different identities, or “outer selves,” as I like to refer to them. You can be a parent, a friend, a husband or wife, or a worker, but these are just your social identities. So, what about your “inner self”?

Know Your Inner Self 

What others define about you is your outer self. You can take on various roles in your daily lives, but these are merely social responsibilities that do not define your “inner self.” Your “inner self” or “higher self” is your soul—the true you. While the outer self is connected to the outside world and focuses on daily activities, the “inner self” connects with you on a deeper subconscious level.

To understand your inner self, you must first understand why you are here. What are your hopes, values, and motivations? It is a process of self-discovery, of defining oneself rather than being limited by what others define for one.

Importance of Discovery

You are defined by a variety of identities from the moment you are born. As time passes, you become constrained by your identities. You spend the majority of your life as a father, mother, spouse, or child. Your identities begin to define you; remove those identities, and you are lost like a boat in the middle of a vast ocean. You will become delusional if you are forced to live without your identities. The fault is in the way we have been taught to live: we are born as somebody, live as everybody, and die as nobody.

The inner self is not limited by these identities; it is much more. We only have one life to live, so why not live it for yourself instead of being a projection of someone else’s reality?

Just starting?

It’s fine if you’re just starting out on your journey of self-discovery. It’s fine if you’re not sure what your soul’s true purpose is. After all, life is a self-discovery journey. A high level of self-awareness is required for discovering your inner self. You’ve been told about your duties and responsibilities, as well as what you need to do to gain social acceptance, since you were a child. Introspection was never emphasised. There had never been such self-awareness to call the purpose of the soul into question.

Nobody dared to raise the big issues. What are your goals in life? What causes you to be content? Simple questions, but difficult answers, because all of these necessitate a great deal of soul searching and a broader vision to see things from a deeper perspective.

So, look beyond the surface, reflect more deeply, listen to your inner self, and allow yourself to be aligned with your soul. Because it speaks the language of the soul, our inner self knows all the answers.

 We each are different

Have you ever wondered about your existence? Why are you on this Earth? What is the purpose of your existence?

We all have different identities or if I may say so, a different “outer self”.  You can be a parent, friend, husband/wife or an employee, but that is just your social identity. What about your “inner self”?

Know Your Inner Self 

Others define your outer self. You can play various roles in your daily lives, but these are merely social responsibilities that do not define your “inner self.” Your “inner self” or “higher self” is your soul—the true you, the whole you. While the outer self is connected to the outside world and focuses on day-to-day activities, it is the “inner self” that connects with you on a deeper subconscious level.

To understand your inner self, you must first understand the reason for your existence. What are your hopes, beliefs, and motivations? It is a process of self-discovery, of defining yourself and not being limited by what others define for you.

Importance of Discovery

You are defined by a variety of identities from the moment you are born. As time passes, you become constrained by your identities. You spend the majority of your life as a father, mother, spouse, or child. Your identities begin to define you; remove those identities, and you are lost like a boat in the middle of a vast ocean. You will become delusional if you are forced to live without your identities. The fault is in the way we have been taught to live: we are born as somebody, live as everybody, and die as nobody.

The inner self is not limited by these identities; it is much more. We only have one life to live, so why not live it for yourself instead of being a projection of someone else’s reality?


It’s fine if you’re just starting out on your journey of self-discovery. It’s fine if you’re not sure what your soul’s true purpose is. After all, life is a self-discovery journey. A high level of self-awareness is required for discovering your inner self. You’ve been told about your duties and responsibilities, as well as what you need to do to gain social acceptance, since you were a child. Introspection was never emphasised. There had never been such self-awareness to call the purpose of the soul into question.

Nobody dared to raise the big issues. What are your goals in life? What causes you to be content? Simple questions, but difficult answers, because all of these necessitate a great deal of soul searching and a broader vision to see things from a deeper perspective.

So, look beyond the surface, reflect more deeply, listen to your inner self, and allow yourself to be aligned with your soul. Because it speaks the language of the soul, it is our inner self that has all the answers.

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