sensitive yet strongAs a sensitive and for most other sensitives  often wonder  ‘how can I overcome what is so overwhelmingly strong within me?  Will I have to continue to tough this out in my life.  Will it every change?’

We are all born into our families where we are told

‘this is the way it has to be!’

Even when we are conceived and in the womb we are surrounded by and absorbed by the effect of our mothers.  We sense the effects of all her body, awareness, feelings and soul at the cellular levels of her body.  These effects show up in our own body, mind, feelings and our spirit where our soul energetically endures.  All this stemming even before our birth.

So here we are taking this with us.

Our experiences  go beyond our own knowing. Our limiting beliefs slowing form recording into our unconscious, super conscious minds eventually feeling that what is happening has gone before. Opposite to what we have learned, our bodies carry for us all those thoughts, emotions, feelings that we most likely feel could not be mine.

My mother was never able to become the person she aspired to be.  She suffered emotionally and physically.  Even so, I do appreciate the lessons learnt from her about godliness and spirit.  She clearly expanded my own life awareness through the example of her life.  Always reminding myself of her suffering,  I am sure my mother got her beliefs about her own invisibility from her parents.  Generations before she took with her into this life the suffering from her parents and and so on back through many life paths.

Our limiting belief engage us. Each of the bars of the cage is created for us even before we enter this lifetime, through our generations and experiences.   Beyond our awareness  of our limiting beliefs can give us choice to hang onto or to reject our life experiences.

How we live our world

You may feel that that you are invisible to others – it may be that you are invisible to yourself.   Delicately we attune to the energy around us, we experience a tone of voice, a sense of energy on how we are treated.   These experiences remain within us a hindrances locking us even more into the cage of suffering.

When our human spirit is caged or limited, our spirit suffers.  Deep down each one of us has an inner knowing of our worth and value and a deep love of freedom, possibility and choice.   We we have adopted, typically unknown to how, a cage or two in which we live in.  All this limits our potential and often kept hidden from ourselves to stay safe.

However, our inner conflicts generate from emotions of anger, fear and sadness.  We seek to stay in our cages walking with uncertainly –  back and forth filled with repressed feelings of rage and grief – not moving – falling back onto what we only know.  To what is – ‘this is the way it has to be’.

In our world there is a sense of helplessness.  Never to stand out, to act, never having the ability to have choices. Or at least, choice in which we trust.

Struggling as a sensitive – limiting beliefs imprison us, en-cage us.

What would you rather have be true for you?

You can start by reinvesting your beliefs with profound experiences  of inner wisdom and power that were lost in you at some point in time.


♥Being visible

♥Being heard


♥Feeling safe

♥Worth, deserving

♥Inner power



‘Make the decision to believe what is right for you??’  Move out of the cage and sense the feeling within.  Can you trust the answer?

Write the words that describe the world in which you want to live.    Of course, just arriving at new beliefs and stating them is not enough to create actual change, although it does begin to  plant positive seeds to go forward.

Your real work actually is about healing the pain in yourself, one painful experience at a time and one minute at a time.

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