silver thread of thought


In inevitable change, we cycle through the stages of life and learning.

Did you ever find that you’re doing something, or believe something that you used to think was impossible, or silly, or something you mocked and made fun of?

I know I have – seen that silver thread – yet sometimes dismissing it.  What comes to mind is the experience. When I was, or rather my mind or spirit or soul or heart – call it what you will took me to another place. 

Here we are, hovering near the ceiling in a top corner of your room, finding yourself looking down on your own body.  You then can see yourself clearly, lying asleep, in my bed, on sheets bathed in sweat. 

Curiously there is no panic or concern.  Only a sense of deep calm.  Can you remember feeling very amused, yet detached and completely surprised? Funny to see yourself connected to your body by a thin silver thread.

Amussed as the years before mocked at an account of a similar experience that I read in a book. I wrote it off, completely dismissed it.

Yet, here you are evolved into having the experience – the very one I mocked! And that’s all I remember.

You may not recall the process of re-connection, and most likley had no tools or framework through which I could understand the process of what happened to me. 

And yet the experience was as certain and real as anything you have ever felt.

Yet for years, you used to make fun of your story.  It was clearly an important event, mystifying unknowable and unexplained. But it was easier to make light of it – dismiss, that it was to take it in and accept it.

A Silver Thread of Thought

It is time to realise that our experiences are our teachers; waiting for us to recognize them.  They happen, and we make what we will of them, we learn the lesson or we laugh it off – judgmental and ‘all-knowing’ (not!)

Having this experience may be first time in your life.  I had ever really connected with the idea that I am here on earth for a purpose and that I have a mission to fulfill. 

I am not always sure exactly what that mission is, but I was able to see and open up to a whole new direction.  This sent me on a different path than I was choosing to be on.

This has caused me to reflect on what other significant events in my life contain important messages. 

There are some that still await my attention and interpretation. 

are you readyAre you ready?

Are you open to listening?  To seeing?  Is there more to what I may have missed by living too much on the surface? 

Through being too incurious, you may pay close attention and not to jump to conclusions.  Conclusion about what anything means or whether it’s ‘real’ or ‘valid’.

If you can step back and detach from your intellect (head) and feel from your heart, you will be shown what you need to know. It just takes a moment.

Trying at times to think we all are shown everything.  We are, it is just we aren’t always looking, listening or being open to acceptance.

Being open and a student of life, of our lives makes us all curious.

You are wise and you have answers.

Take the next step become vulnerable and encourage yoursekf to open to what is being revealed to you.  I promise to do the same.