Limiting beliefs and the fears that are attached to what we want are often are our biggest impediments. Even if there are talented people, those who we feel are lucky. Our beliefs and fears can stop is in our track – and this then prevents us from seeing the possibilities of going forward whether you are stuck; procrastination;
Beliefs generate these fears; failing, rejection, looking foolish often stops us in our tracks.
We create our own glass ceiling and we become trapped in those foundations between what we learned as a child and our own limiting beliefs (restricted space of limitations)
We have the power to change our beliefs and with tapping we can do this. Most do not realize how the restricted beliefs trap us. But how would you know what is fact.
So what we need to understand it is a belief and not a fact. You can bust through those limiting beliefs remove the glass ceiling and transform to endless possibilities. You can change belief you change your reality.
When Beliefs and Fears discovered we can change them.
You can start by setting daily practices of gratitude, positive affirmations, getting someone to support you in the transformation, and incorporate the use of emotional freedom techniques daily.
Certified EFT Intuitive Mentor & Coach for Heart Centered Solo-Entrepreneurs – Reeny Barron empowers transformational entrepreneurs to achieve their life and business goals aligning purpose, passion and mindset – Connecting Heart and Business to Attract the Right Clients, Opportunities, Income and Lifestyle.
Take the time to develop a business plan that feels authentic, and then develop a clear plan of implementation. When you understand that the foundation of business is to share value with someone else, you come full circle with a heart-centered spiritual practice. Her blogs, includes inspirational articles showing you how to use your business to create your ideal lifestyle. Grab the full article, “the Top Ten Reasons your Spiritual Business is Keeping you Disadvantaged and Broke , at
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