happiness, true meaning, life purpose, soul journey, purpose in lifeTrue Meaning of Happiness

What is the true meaning of life and why are you here?

Maybe you’ve asked yourself this questions before. The sense of emptiness and dissatisfaction may have pushed you to try and find answers to these questions. You may have a role to play in your personal life and career, but you have the nagging feeling that you have a greater purpose in life. You may have seen some famous people who are extremely wealthy but are extremely unsatisfied and unhappy. These people may appear to have everything, but they are hollow on the inside.

Is Being Passionate Right?

They say that if you lack passion in your life, you will always feel as if something is missing. To fill that void and emptiness, you should start living a life filled with passion. You will never be inspired if you are stuck in one place and repeat the same boring routine every day.

Passion can only go so far(!) 

I began to realise how wrong I had been in my previous assessment – passion is all we need. Passion will lead us anywhere. Inspiration, which drives us to do great things, has a finite lifespan.

We only hear what we want to hear.

We do what we believe is right, but then we often become mindless robots following orders, becoming extremely busy accomplishing little.

Passion – Inspiration – (In-Spirit) is difficult to maintain every day, every minute of our lives. More than passion, we need to be genuine. As Goethe once said, “Great passion are maladies without hope,” which is why living with purpose allows us to ask, leverage, and grow exponentially.

We require a sense of purpose. A sense of direction.

What do you hope to achieve?

This is a question I frequently ask before beginning the practise of working with my higher guidance. Is it not I who will respond? As a result, higher guidance is moving away from our ego. Ego can be an entrapment that causes confusion, keeps us competing, constantly measuring, breaking down, and rising.

Doing great things to give you a sense of fulfilment may assist you in discovering your true purpose and meaning in life. However, I believe it is most likely the result of our egoism. Our egos are strong and powerful, leading us down paths that we believe are best for us.

True Meaning

Finding true meaning and purpose in life is entirely up to you. The answer is within you, and it is up to you to discover what your true purpose is. There is no pressure when you are alive and free because everything flows freely.

We become vulnerable when we let go in order to trust something greater than ourselves. All is right when you open your heart and mind and break through the perceptions of right and wrong in your defencelessness. Move through life with an open mind to every possibility, regardless of cause. Open your eyes to a fresh perspective on life. When you free yourself from the illusions you perceive, you will make significant progress.

This will be obvious to you if you live on purpose with the help of your higher guidance. It will feel right, and positive emotions will rush over you. Purpose does not abandon you; passion does(!)

Embrace life and enjoy your journey living on purpose.



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