what is enough - consumerism soul purpose life coaching soul purpose life purpose life coaching purpose life soul purpose life coachWe are living in a world that surrounds us with a large ocean of material things; we’re the culture of mass consumerism. We’re told over and over that we need things to make us happy.

And the number of things we need is growing at a crazier and faster pace all the time.

New versions of the thing we just got – it’s newer, faster, sexier, sleeker. The version that works perfectly fine is no longer good enough. The spin goes on and out of control and it’s enough to make wind us up like the proverbial top!

We become desensitized to the pleasure off all of these things as we are able to afford them. We think we want more than we do and then we’re not satisfied; it’s an ever upward spiral of stuff. I’ve learned from my clients that the end result of more money isn’t always what they expected.

Yet, on we go – chasing after things with all our might…

We often forget that those things that once gave us pleasure are no longer capable of giving us happiness as we keep running to the next thing and the thing after that.  Stop! Hello! What happened?

Our senses no longer satisfied, we feel ennui – that sense of boredom that sends us looking for the next big thing.  Instead of greeting our days with variations of life, our lives have come face to face with the bizarre and nauseating extravagance of the next big thing.  This is why everything keeps changing continually and for no real reason. Does it really make sense? I wonder. And it makes me ask:

So what is enough?

I recently was clearing out my purse. It was almost shocking how much stuff was in my purse, most of which I didn’t need or use.  Why am I carrying it all around? Why do I have it all to begin with and why can’t I just get rid of it!? It is just more noise to work through – that’s how it feels.

It is the same with wanting more!  More noise more stuff. But, does it make us any happier? I think not.

So ask yourself – What do you really want?

What does your very soul long for?

Stuff? Doubtful!

How about time?

How about peace and quiet and calm?

How about appreciating the smaller gifts of life? Of nature?

Of the people we spend time with?

What if we slowed down even to cultivate a receptive attitude of the mind and inward calm?

What if instead of being busy we just let things happen? If we didn’t plan every minute so we could tap into some spontaneity?

As we are all creatures of habit any change (without breaking the habit) will always undoubtedly put you back to position one. Try slowing down and doing less and buying less.

Try if for a couple of months.  Fit it into your schedule.

If you want to design a new paradigm to change a habit of busyness or at least until you form a new habit by living to a plan that best suits you. You might just be surprised by the results. Post this question somewhere you can see it. Your bathroom mirror?

Is Having More or Less the Answer?

Always bear in mind that very little indeed in necessary for living a happy life  — Marcus Aurelius

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