Self SabotageThe idea that your business that you love and becoming financially free should be hard or you should struggle to succeed is flawed.   When you aligned  with your soul purpose and are doing what you are passionate about in your work it will be fun and your life will become easier, rather than heavier.

Why would you go into business for anything else?

Yet there are self sabotage blocks such as fear of stepping up, now knowing how to speak about what you do, or maybe it could be simple as feeling undeserving to receive large amounts of money for what you do that can prevent the success you want to achieve in your passion based business.

When you set your goals for your heart centered business it is equally important to ask about what will achieving this feel like and equally what may stop you from achieving this.

Take a moment and ask yourself?

  • Do you have fears of not being good enough to have money and abundance – “I’m scared I’m not good enough to make a living from it!”
  • Fear of not know how to earn money – “I’m not good with numbers or I don’t know how to run a business”
  • Fear of the success and visibility that comes with money and abundance – “If I’m rich, then people with notice me and see I’m a fraud”
  • Fear of not deserving money and abundance – “I’m scared I’m not the type of person, or my family  isn’t the type of family that can make money”.
  • Fear that it will take up way too much time to make good money – “If I really go after my dream and make it work, I’m scared I won’t have any time left over anything else.”
  • Fear of getting hurt or judged – “My friends will think I’m shallow if I travel the world every year.”
  • Fear my product is not good enough – “Everyone else is doing it, so what’s the use”

Now get clear for yourself – what is the thing that you are most scared of most around money and success?  Write the first thing that comes to mind for you and I want you to write that down, stare at it, underline it, do whatever you need to do so that you remember.  If you say nothing, I would think you are kidding youself! Or you wouldn’t be reading this!

I would love to hear from you on what has come up.  Everything in our lives are here to learn and grow.  All the fear or fears, once you are clear on them, then you can begin to really work with them and move through a process to Breakthrough your Money Trap– that can lead to open new doors to creating the abundance for yourself on all levels.

EFT Intuitive Success Coach and Mentor for Heart Centered Solo-Entrepreneurs –  Reeny Barron empowers transformational entrepreneurs to achieve their life and business goals aligning purpose, passion and mindset – Connecting Heart and Business to Live on Purpose and Reap Rich Rewards

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