EuphoriaTrust Yourself…Trust Your Intuition

“Give every man more in use value than you take from him in cash value; then you are adding to the life of the world by every business transaction.”
–Wallace D. Wattles, from 
The Science of Getting Rich

After watching The Secret, I, like many others, searched for information about some of the people who appeared in the film to see what books, courses, seminars, coaching programs, and other resources on offer. “Wow, the Law of Attraction really has made them rich.” Following the success of The Secret, many other Law of Attraction teachers have increased their web presence.   But often we say to ourselves….

“Oh, but , don’t tell yourself you can’t afford something. If you do, you’ll be focusing on lack…and that will create your reality.”

That’s true. I don’t ever tell myself I can’t afford something, but I do ask myself, “Is it worth the price?” and “Can I get the same benefit doing something that is free or less expensive?”

It may sound like I’m criticizing Law of Attraction philosphy and spiritual practicies, but I’m not. I truly believe in its principles and making the law of attraction working for myself.  Perhaps many us take up the next shiny thing, of those seemingly costly seminars and programs which are perfect for, and well worth the investment. For them, it’s wonderful. But what I know now is that I’m responsible for figuring out what is best for me. I need to ask myself, “Is it what I need at this time?” and “Is this a good investment for me?”

Wallace D. Wattles explained what he meant when he said, “Give every man more in use value than you take from him in cash value.” He used his book as an example. He explained that the materials that went into making the book — such as the paper and ink — cost less than the price of the book, but those who applied the teachings of the book would receive more in use value than they paid for the book.

Since we spend money on items that we know will not reward us financially, I would like to add terms like “enjoyment value” and “entertainment value” to the equation. For example, if you go to a cinema, you want to enjoy the movie and feel that the entertainment value was more than worth the price of admission. Similarly, if you buy a relaxation CD, you would like to feel that the inner peace you receive from it is more than worth the price you paid for it.

In short, no matter what goods or services we offer, we should make or perform them to the best of our abilities, and at a price that, in the end, will make people feel that they got more than their money’s worth. What an ethical way to do business!

If you are uncertain if you should pay for a particular good or service be that for a  wealth coach or spiritual leader for what they are offering, trust your intuition. Trust that gut feeling that stems from your heart. You don’t have to distrust or question the character of the person who is selling the product or service. Simply trust that your intuition will guide you to make what decision is best for you.

Don’t ever let anyone tell you, “This is an opportunity of a lifetime! You don’t want to miss out!” If you believe there is an infinite amount of abundance in the Universe, then you must believe there are infinite amounts of opportunities out there. Affirm that the right opportunities are coming to you at the right time. Oh Yeah  Of course Integrity counts!

Certified Mentor & Coach for Women Reeny Barron Law of Attraction, Energy Psychology and New generation techniques to empower transformational entrepreneurs to achieve their life and business goals aligning mindset and marketing – Connecting Heart and Business to Attract the Right Clients, Income and Lifestyle.   Her blogs, includes inspirational articles showing you how to use your business to create your ideal lifestyle.  Grab the full article, “Get Unstuck -Ideas to Release your Creativity, at