Helping You Break the Bond Between Your Attached Spirit and Your Body

spirit releasement therapy

Spirit Releasement Therapy

Engaging in conversations with departed individuals is a way to sever all communication channels. Sometimes, a spiritual bond forms when spirits seek assistance from the living to address physical, mental, emotional or other post death challenges they encounter. Consequently, these struggles impede their souls progress towards development.  

Whether it’s a person, building, animal or any place where spirits or entities reside uncomfortably, disturbances can arise. Once they enter an energy field, it becomes difficult for them to untangle themselves easily. If someone’s life ends with unresolved matters or uncertainties – such as reluctance to part from a loved one or harboring negative emotions like seeking revenge – their soul’s energy may find it challenging to move towards the light and move forward on its path. The spirit might linger on Earth instead of returning to its realm due to confusion or fear. At the moment of passing, individuals have the choice to embrace the light and continue their earthly journey.

Numerous souls remain on Earth because of reasons like lack of understanding about death, confusion, doubtfulness or refusal to accept their departure. Engaging in spirit releasement therapy entails connecting with individual spirits using hypnosis, then engaging in a healing dialogue to facilitate the release of energy into a brighter realm. The potent forces of love and compassion can disperse any form of energy, no matter its essence.

spirit release

From where do spirits originate?

At which time does a spirit decide to settle down here on Earth?

When someone passes away, it impacts us in ways that bring about feelings of sorrow and uncertainty. After losing a loved one, we often wonder about the destination of their spirit. Some beliefs suggest that the spirit transitions to another realm, while we remain here to mourn and hold onto memories.

Yet, there are times when the spirit doesn’t complete its journey and lingers in our world. It may attach itself to a living person or an energy field, affecting the host in various ways. The person affected might feel tired, lack motivation or even experience sadness.

In certain instances, they may exhibit behaviors that are out of character for them. Their family and friends might notice changes in their actions without comprehending the cause behind them. This feeling of bewilderment and loneliness can lead to conflicts among loved ones, adding further distress for everyone involved.

There is an observation that some people’re more sensitive, to residual energies and spirits while others may not feel such influences as strongly. Various factors like ancestry, health status and life encounters are thought to impact an individuals sensitivity to attachments. Certain individuals are believed to emit an aura of frequency that shields them from lower frequency energies.

Ones susceptibility to attachments may be linked to their sensitivity. Typical signs include thoughts, rituals as well, as visual and auditory hallucinations. It is crucial to identify thoughts and behaviors while working towards freeing oneself from them. Therefore our goal is to support our clients in understanding and accepting their selves allowing them to move forward in life with a sense of peace, stability and tranquility.

How can I tell if my problem is due to a spiritual attachment?

Here are some common signs of being influenced by a spiritual entity

Do you sense something pulling you towards a direction you’re not comfortable with?   Experience gender identity issues. Have you felt different since an accident, hospital stay, illness, severe disappointment or depression? Are you troubled by dreams featuring dark entities harassing you?
Do thoughts of a relative or someone familiar keep popping up in your mind persistently and annoyingly? Have others noticed a negative shift in your mood? Are you feeling unusually angry, upset, emotionally stifled or lacking motivation? Have there been changes in your personality leading to unexpected attraction to drugs or excessive alcohol consumption? Do you often feel fatigued and lethargic? Are you experiencing sudden outbursts of rage or paranoia? 

After undergoing a healing session to clear energy blockages, it’s important to take care of and strengthen your aura through daily practices that are woven into your routine. This helps your inner self shield against any energies that may come your way. Keep in mind that the benefits of the healing process go beyond just the session itself. They also depend on your outlook and ability to manage energy levels. Developing a mindset based on love and forgiveness is essential, especially towards those you may have negative feelings for. If you ever come across a spirit of the departed, exploring Spirit Releasement Therapy could be something to consider as a method to separate their energies from yours.

Spirit Releasement Therapy in NSW