Soul Work, soul direction, soul purpose life coach, life purpose coaching, soul purpose life coach, soul coach, higher guidance coach, soul coaching, values, life, wisdom, integrity, spiritualWhen you undertake SOUL work, you are collaborating with your SOUL simply by virtue of being born. You have a choice between continuing to work blindly and becoming more aware of your SOUL’s plan to co-create it.

If you choose to co-create, you will gain the tools to take control of the events in your life and live a more meaningful and higher purpose-driven life.

Different Roles

Throughout our lives, we all play different parts.

There are those who give and those who take, as well as those who move and shake. Regardless of the role, how we approach it, the energy we bring to it, and how we approach it all have a lot to do with how engaged, receptive, or present we are. We have the choice of being fully present or being resentful and absent.

There will be times when we help others and other times when we help others; both are equally important. Bringing our true authentic energies to these roles creates beauty and flow. Each role can produce acts that are gifts to the relationship.

Whether we are nurturing or witnessing, it is important for us to bring appreciation to the moment, gratitude to those we are engaged with, and to explore the possibilities of the outcome and all its potential.

Approaching our roles with this positive mindset allows lessons to flow, energies to expand, and forwards movement of beauty and grace to occur.

This burst of energy awakens a sense of integrity and a sense of accomplishment from service. It also aligns our body, mind, and SOUL. With this alignment, we lay out the welcome mat for those we are meant to meet, attract, and dance this magical dance of life with—the people and circumstances that bring richness and wonder into our day. By bringing our best selves to every role we play, we open ourselves up to new possibilities, abundance, and lessons that will amplify the brilliance of this lifetime in powerful ways.


The SOUL calls out to the best of us.  In working with the SOUL and doing SOUL work, it is often it is best to be quiet, to seek the lesson, or to see and hold sacred space.

Our best interaction can be sharing a smile with someone. It can be walking away and disengaging from an argument. It can be so many things. Do not feel you have to be all for everyone to be your best.

Being in the present moment and in heart space is the best thing you can do for your SOUL. It creates numerous opportunities for everyone. It interacts with the energies around you with ease and grace. It allows you to be who you are.

Bring an open heart to your role, whether you are giving or receiving, being or seeing.

Engage in activities that are characterised by love and honesty. Spread love and kindness. Gracefully and gratefully accept. Allow your SOUL to weave its way through the moment, opening closed doors, breathing life into stagnant air, and shining where there is darkness.

Our SOUL is primarily concerned with self-expression, while our spirit is solely concerned with communicating, interacting, and communing with our Higher Self.

The SOUL has obligations and is unconcerned with who you are in your daily activities. The guardian of your life’s purpose is your SOUL. It understands who you are and why you’ve come. It understands who you are and what you are here to do.

Your SOUL manages your personal development and growth. It makes no distinction between how and what you do. It is more concerned with what you learn, how you grow, and what you transform from your experiences.

Your SOUL wants to guide you down the path that will lead you to your true purpose. It’s actively assisting you.


Doing what you enjoy and having a passion does not imply that your way of life will change. Your SOUL purpose, at the end of the day, has a plan. Its goals, ambitions, and energy must all be in sync.

Collaborating with your Higher Self will always provide you with inner peace and empowerment. When you find that connection to your SOUL’s power, you will be able to make the changes you want easily and effectively. You will achieve your goals.

During this stage of collaborating with the SOUL, your SOUL’s goal is to make you aware of causes that have already been set in motion. These stages have a direct impact on your current life because you will have undertaken the task of resolving conflict.

Your SOUL work will entail delving deeper into yourself, including your fears, beliefs, blockages, SOUL contracts, and Archetypes (Shadows).

At this point, you should be able to find their cause and effect based on your experience with resolution. The hold will make it easier for you to see the big picture of your work.

It is a state of complete awareness of communication and cooperation with your SOULs and their purposes for your current lifetime.


Do we truly understand what’s going on? We go through our days doing “stuff,” going through the motions, eager to move on to the next thing to get it done, and we can move through our lives just doing.

  • We lose touch with who we are.
  • We are humans, not humans doing things.
  • We become accustomed to being busy as we progress through life. We don’t stop because we have empty space and open time. Everyone goes through this at some point in their lives, at least for a while.

Being busy and getting things done can lead to high levels of productivity. Our jobs sometimes require us to give and give and give until we are exhausted. Then there’s more. Women, in particular, so often, we put the needs of others ahead of our own, and we do so with grace and ease. However, how about you? Allow some SOUL TIME(!) to yourself.


  • Is your SOUL nourished by your hectic lifestyle?
  • Is it keeping you from doing what you’re supposed to be doing?
  • Can you live a purposeful life?


But taking some time – even if it’s just once in a while – to pause and reflect on what you’re supposed to be doing is SOUL-nourishing. I don’t mean your job description when I say what you’re here to do and be.

It doesn’t have to be earth-shattering or revolutionary, but it must feed your SOUL and make you feel alive and full of purpose on some level. It could imply following a dream. It could resemble how you present yourself to the world.

In the world we live in, it can sometimes be as simple as every day. Does a kind word or gesture, or someone going out of their way to acknowledge you, are effective in your world?

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