Soul Focused Healing through your 12 Chakra Auric Field

Awakening the Power of Chakras for Spiritual Enlightenment

Embark, on a journey, with Soul Focused Healing. Embrace the beauty of this experience as we guide you towards balance encouraging you to delve into self discovery. The soothing sounds, vibrations, frequencies and energy realignment will penetrate within you helping to release of any barriers.

Your energy centres will realign, reconnecting your core with the harmony of the Universe. Envision yourself feeling peaceful and confident enveloped by the vibrations of healing. Soul Focused Healing is an scientifically backed system that addresses various aspects including body, mind, emotions, soul, spirit and biofield. This healing method operates through the body's seven chakras and the soul,s five chakras.

What is the 12 Chakra System

There isn’t a accepted interpretation of the 12 chakra system. This lack of consensus offers a chance, for exploration and personal growth as we delve into the viewpoints shared by healers and energy practitioners.

Broadening our understanding beyond the known 7 chakras and uncovering the world of 12! By exploring the complexities of the 12 chakra system we deepen our comprehension of our selves and how they function. Through this expanded knowledge we can gain insights into how our chakras interplay and impact our wellness. We develop an awareness of how to maintain balance and synchronise our energies within ourselves paving the way for a vibrant and satisfying life.

We know the first seven chakras, known as the primary chakras in the human body.  There are many different variations with numbers of these chakras and again this is my interpretation of our additional 5 major chakras that make up the 12-chakra system.

As we become more familiar with the other chakras it adds depth, context and appreciation to our understanding of how the chakras work.  We can extend our knowledge and assist our clients to balance their energies supporting their life throgh these energy centres. The additional  5 chakras are located outside of the human body in addition to the 7 primary chakras. This is the most common way to represent the 12-chakra system, including one chakra below the root chakra and the remaining ones above the crown.

12 Chakra system

This concept of the 12 chakra system introduces an dynamic viewpoint, to our understanding of the self. Many modern healers and energy workers share a wealth of knowledge even though there isn’t one interpretation of this system. In todays healing practices there are two configurations of the 12 chakras that offer insights. One configuration goes beyond the 7 chakras by acknowledging the presence of 5 additional chakras, outside the physical body. These energetic centers stretch from the base of the spine to the crown providing a understanding of our energetic composition.

On the hand the second configuration places all 12 chakras within the body and introduces 5 extra energy centers that function between the well known 7 chakras. This perspective encourages us to delve into the interplay of energy within ourselves strengthening our connection to our auric fields.

Fully embracing the idea of the 12 chakra system unlocks a realm of opportunities enabling us to explore the insights into our beings. As we connect with each chakra our consciousness widens, unveiling the web of life energy pulsating through us. Lets embark on this empowering path and embrace the possibilities that come with understanding the 12 chakra system.

Starting with the Root Chakra that grounds us and brings stability we work on balancing our energies. Moving upwards the Sacral Chakra sparks creativity and passion while the Solar Plexus Chakra boosts self-confidence and personal power. The Heart Chakra, nestled at our core nurtures love, compassion and connections with others.

As we progress upward the Throat Chakra supports communication and authentic expression of ourselves. The Third Eye Chakra enhances intuition and inner sight for understanding. Lastly the Crown Chakra links us to consciousness and universal wisdom.

Apart from these seven chakras are five that enrich our spiritual path. The Soul Star Chakra above us aligns with our souls purpose and divine guidance. On the hand the Earth Star Chakra, beneath us strengthens our bond with the Earths wisdom.

twelve chakra chart

Deeper Connection through our Higher Chakras

Earth chakra –  Positioned below the earth three feet, beneath your feet in a shade. Wherever you are this chakra anchors you to the ground. It connects all aspects of essence from DNA to bones and blood. Remember that the exact position of this chakra may vary depending on interpretations of chakra studies. Its role as a grounding center remains constant. Other possible locations range from between the heart and throat chakras to above the crown chakra. Another perspective suggests that this chakra is embodied in the aura; a blend of energies from all chakras.

Moon Chakra (8th); Soul Star (Seat of the Soul) is positioned  six inches above the sahasrara or crown chakra appearing in silver or white shades. This ninth chakra connects you to energies.  This celestial gateway holds the keys to higher consciousness and divine connection. Through the Soul Star chakra, you can access ancient wisdom, spiritual guidance, and a profound sense of purpose. By awakening this ethereal chakra, you open yourself up to the limitless possibilities and infinite realms of the universe.

The Spirit chakra  (9th) is located three to four inches (8–10 cm) behind the centre back of the head.  This chakra is said will allow us to link to the expansive realms of spirit, guidance comes easier when this chakra is activated. Here will remember our direct link with source and our ability to communicate with other light beings.  The spirit chakra invites us to explore the depths of our spiritual realms, leading us on a sacred journey towards self-discovery and self-realisation. It encourages us to question our existence, to seek a higher purpose, and to connect with a profound sense of inner peace and unity with the universe. 

Sun Chakra (10th); Universal Chakra representing the energy the solar plexus impacts your ability to pursue your goals. This central point helps concentrate your determination to overcome obstacles and inject purpose into your life. When we align our Universal Chakra, the possibilities for growth, healing, and transformation become limitless. We begin to recognize the interconnectedness of all things, and we experience a profound sense of purpose, fulfillment, and joy. We become agents of positive change in the world, radiating our love and light to inspire and uplift others. 

The 11th chakra, also called the Galactic chakra sits higher, than the chakras and showcases a blend of violet, gold and silver hues.It is believed to serve as a conduit for foresight enabling individuals to go beyond time and space to access the Akashic Records often known as the Book of Life. The Galactic Chakra is part of the subtle systems when you become conscious on all planes of existence not just one.   The Galactic Chakra transcents earthly boundareis and opens a gateway to the cosmos.  It is here where we tap into the vast universal energy, aligning ourselvs with the infinite possibilities and wisdom of that the galaxies hold.

Moving upwards is the Universal chakra positioned above the Galactic chakra is the Stellar Gateway 12th Chakra. This specific chakra appears as spheres of light in colors. Described as the point of Universal Consciousness it enables one to surpass reality and establish a connection, with enlightenment. The Stellar (Divine) gateway is located approximately twelve inches (30 cm) above the top of the head and has a gold colour.  This chakra contains and holds all the experiences we have across all our lifetimes and is a gateway to what we call as the source and holds your monad energy. 


Chakra Imbalance and Its Impact on Our Spiritual Well being

Within the body we know there exists seven energy centers referred to as chakras, which play a role in maintaining ones holistic well being.  These energy centre encompass physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions. Using the approach of soul focused  healing, we begin to understand each chakra has it purpose.   Some provide stability, kindling passion, boosting confidence, and nuturing love.  Others enhance communication skills, sharpen our intuition and fostering a connection to the divine.  Yet, at time these energy centres loose their primary purpose.  This is when our chakra have  blockages or imbalances which can lead to dis-ease and illness.

The idea of chakras, our energy centres within our bodies provides us with an opportunity for growth and self-awareness.  While disruptions in our chakras can momentarily disturb our equilibrium, they also give us a chance to regain harmony and enhance our overall wellness. We understand each chakra is linked to an aspect of ourselves ranging from the root chakra that grounds us in the realm to the stellar gateway that connects us to higher realms.

Every imbalance in a chakra offers insights into aspects of our lives that require attention and nurturing. For instance, an imbalance in the heart chakra might indicate lingering wounds that call for self-care, forgiveness and empathy. By embracing these imbalances with hopefulness, we can set off on a path of self-exploration and personal growth. Blockages in the Root Chakra may cause feelings of instability and detachment from reality. By exploring the understanding and alignment of these energy centres, we can achieve harmony, overall wellness and spiritual enlightenment.

As we progress through Soul-centered healing within each of the 12-chakras, our wellness flourishes enhancing every aspect of our lives., Imbalance in our chakra’s present opportunities for growth and change. By approaching them with a soul focused healing, we can tap into their potential to strengthen our connection with ourselves and spiritual connection.   Embracing the process of rebalancing our energy centres brings a sense of wellbeing that empowers us to live and spread positivity outward into the world.

Chakra Re-balancing and Emotional Spiritual Health

Soul focused healing through our Chakra System is widely recognised as a way to achieve balance and harmony, in body, mind and spirit. People facing spiritual discord can seek solace in chakra healing methods. Therapeutic practices, like Reiki, chakra therapy, sound therapy and meditation are known to improve both spiritual well being. By addressing imbalances in the twelve chakra system, as a qualified sound therapist,  can help nurture your wellness. fostering feelings of peace and calm. 

This healing system of all 12 chakra assists in re-establishing your natural vitality and all aspects of the physical, emotional, and mental soul and spirit of your aura; allowing the light of the soul to flow through the perfection of the Source of Being. 

Exploring the world of chakras reveals their role in our well-being. Each chakra relates to aspects of our emotional and spiritual health. When these energy centers are blocked or out of balance it can create obstacles. Fortunately there is hope for change through chakra balancing practices through soul focused healing.

The rewards of realigning and harmonizing the chakras are remarkable. It boosts vitality and also deepens our connection with our emotions and thoughts, in profound ways. By addressing any imbalances, in energy centers we have the ability to turn emotions into positive ones fostering emotional equilibrium and a harmonious state of being. Moreover realigning our chakras is the key to unlocking our capabilities aligning ourselves to soul awakening.

 When our energy points are in harmony, we open ourselves to a heightened level of awareness broadening our consciousness and connecting with our guidance. This deepened spiritual bond empowers us to navigate life’s obstacles gracefully and with a partnership and  trust in the universe. Consider the opportunities that await us when our chakras are perfectly aligned.

We can nurture a sense of self compassion and self-acceptance paving the way, for connections and an enhanced overall sense of happiness and contentment.  Opening our energy to the law of attraction alignment, manifestation. We can access our abilities discovering inspiration and expressing our selves more genuinely. We can awaken our soul’s purpose and talents. Delve into the profound depths of our inner wisdom.

By activating and aligning these 12 chakras we transform opening our channels for energy enabling us to unleash our potential and contribute to humanity’s collective growth. This sacred ritual can change our lives radiating outward to shape a more peaceful and enlightened world for everyone.

Ignite, Renew, and Fortify Your Energy Auric Field for a Deep Spiritual Connection

Soul Focused Healing
