struggle of the soulOur lives are planned in such a way that we experience who we are not before remembering who we truly are. Before we recreate the symphonies of home, we examine the conflicting echoes in our earthly lives.

A deeply compassionate SOUL, for example, who wishes to know themselves as compassion may choose to incarnate as a member of a highly dysfunctional family. When there is a lack of compassion, one can fully appreciate compassion. It is the absence of something in our lives that teaches us the meaning and value of life.

The contrast between lack of compassion and compassion compels us to look inward and recall our own compassion. The contrast between lack of compassion in the physical world and inner compassion allows for a more profound understanding of compassion and, so, oneself.

Life’s Challenges

One way to overcome life’s challenges is to remember who we truly are – majestic, transcendent eternal Souls. Those who define themselves as a body will experience great anguish if their bodies suffer severe damage. Others who have suffered the same physical harm but defined themselves at the SOUL level will suffer far less agony.

As our challenge calls us to remember who we are as SOULs, the very event that caused us to suffer may help to alleviate it. This expansion of self-concept from personality body to SOUL may or may not reduce our pain, but it can certainly alleviate our suffering. Awakening in this way is both a goal and a significant benefit of life’s challenges. It rekindled our love of life, a love we had before entering this lifetime.

Each of us is a seed planted within the world’s current vibration. When we raise our vibrations and frequencies as a result of the growth of life challenges, we raise the frequency of the entire planet.

When we create feelings of joy, even if we are alone on a mountaintop, we emit a frequency that makes it easier for others to be joyful. As we cultivate feelings of peace, we emit an energy that can aid in the abolition of wars.

When we love, we make it easier for others to love, both those we meet and those we will never meet.

When you accept a specific life challenge, you can receive healing energy from those who have blazed a trail. The path to lift is paved with compassion and healing love, which raises the frequency of the person travelling the road.

Learning and healing from a specific life challenge raises our auric field of the one who survived a challenge. Others in their presence know they have something bathing them in hope and faith.

Gifts of the Soul soul compassion

Suffering is a massive gift, both to the SOUL and to the chosen others who are allowed to assist that SOUL on its healing journey. Suffering’s language has its own frequency. It comes from those who have been through the eyes, hearts, and minds of those who have been.

Examine your own life for unusual challenges that seemed to go against the grain, or less, forcing you to make changes you might not have made otherwise. Often, we are unhappy with how well we respond to such challenges and opportunities. Total competence, success, or victory is not always the answer or necessary if you have some response.

You will realise that your life has changed at some point, and that is when you will begin to grow as a person.

Suffering can go with growth at times. Pain, fortunately, promotes growth. You’re probably not aware of it, but here are five signs that you’ve outgrown your own life’s frames and boundaries:

You don’t enjoy life as much as you used to.

There is a good chance that if you aren’t happy, the message from your soul is to move on.

Time to think about your priorities and goals, as well as your way of leaving, maybe.

You are acting a little self-destructive, but you don’t know it yet.

Try to deal with your frustrations and anger in a healthy way. As you do, you might link your feelings to your bad actions.

Drugs and alcohol, one night stands, and avoiding your problems are all signs that it’s the right time to make big changes.

There are no new friends or relationships because you don’t make new friends or keep old ones. soul compassion

A lot can happen in the way you think about your partner and friends over time. You don’t see them the same way you did before, and that’s why.

It was once possible to tell them what was on your mind. Now, though, you don’t want to talk to them at all.

That’s probably what this is going to tell you. You should move on to something you enjoy and meet new people.

You don’t like how you spend your free time. soul compassion

You might have used to make popcorn and watch a whole season of your favorite TV show, but now you don’t enjoy it.

No one likes it anymore because it doesn’t make them happy, and they don’t think it’s fun anymore.

Maybe it’s time to find something more important to do in your free time, like start a new hobby that makes you happy and fulfilled.

People in society don’t make sense or make sense to you, so it’s hard for you to understand

A big change like this can be very hard to make.

This is a clear sign that your soul has grown out of both the frames on your own life and the frames on your culture. Then, maybe you should think about how you fit into the world and what you can do to make things better.

Letting go of the Struggle soul compassion

When we feel out of place, in the dark, no longer belong, or there is something in our life that doesn’t fit anymore, we go through a lot of trouble. Something isn’t working, is out of balance, or needs to be “righted,” so it needs to be fixed.

We have to accept that we can’t always control the outcome. As soon as any part of our lives changes, we feel out of control and our instinct is to get back in control quickly. We are all born with this. It’s still true:

Even unpleasant or difficult feelings, sensations, and urges can pass through us instead of becoming us if we make space for them and accept them, even if we don’t like them. The feelings come and go, but don’t try to fight or resist them.

Then let them be and don’t pay attention to them. This can be hard, but the more you can just watch and not fight, the easier it will be to relax into the next thing without worrying or being on the street.

People should think of this as quicksand to help them understand what this is like. The more you struggle with your problems, the more you sink and fall down into the pit, which is where you start. In order to get help, you have to stay calm.

The more you are willing to let your feelings come and go but know that they are just feelings and not who you are. A lot more you can move into the next phase of your life, which will be more comfortable.

Lao Tzu is quoted saying:

Life is a series of nature and spontaneous changes. Do not resist them; that only creates sorrow.  Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they life” (“Lao Tzu – Life is a series of natural and spontaneous…”)

There isn’t any other way to say it. As he says and accepts the truth, so should we. Changing our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs can only happen if we allow ourselves to be open to options, intuitively, and to feel the feelings without judging them.  soul compassion

Our own inner wisdom is here, just beneath the surface of our hectic lives. In your mind, in your day, in all that you have to do. All of this is happening, so you can’t just not think about what’s going on or try to get rid of it. Make the best of it. Find out what is bubbling up beneath all of it by being curious.

Here, you will find your way out, by turning your inner compass towards questioning rather than blame. Accept what you feel and lean into it, and you might just find what you want.

Say to yourself:

  • I’m okay with these new feelings I’m having now.
  • Then I do this with ease and grace, and
  • I love and thank myself for this.

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