ProsperityWhat is Prosperity?

Prosperity is defined as living a successful, flourishing, and thriving life.

When you have a big dream and are working to make that dream a reality, every day becomes more exciting and fulfilling.

Your motivation is literally drawing you towards it, giving it energy and assisting you in realising your dreams, visions, and goals.

Prosperity is your unique imprint where you have the opportunity to live this life. It allows you to raise your vibrations so that you can give the world more of your true self.

Wallace Wattles, one of the early ‘new thought’ authors is quoted as saying:

“The person who is certain to advance is the one who is too big for their place, and who has a clear concept of what they want to be, who knows that they can become what they want to be and who is determined to be what they want to be in life and in business.”

Your absolute non-negotiable shield to a vibrant, truly connected, super FULL life.

It’s easy to get caught up in day-to-day activities that drain our energy.

You may look for answers in the examples and strategies of others, but you will frequently find yourself questioning and comparing yourself to them.

You see your colleagues achieving what you want, and as you form your opinions based on what they may have accomplished materially or monetarily, you continue to ask yourself:

‘Why Not Me?  I Followed the Rules!’

So why would you judge yourself by  external appearances and the levels of financial success of others.  This makes living a prosperous life difficult.

Why seek it?

It is our birthright to seek prosperity in our lives. Yes, there will be roadblocks, resistances, and generational karma in our way.

“Everything is energy,” says Wallace Wattle.  Our vibrations have the power to attract or repel our level of prosperity. What do you believe is yours to have, and what is preventing you from attracting prosperity into your life? So, can you raise your vibration to live a prosperous and successful life?

Pay close attention to your feelings

When you are on the correct path of true prosperity feelings of joy, contentment and happiness happen.  Notice when you are elated what events bring this to you.

Keep fine tuning

When life pulls you off track, allow your awareness to examine what is diminishing your energy so you can make purposeful adjustments.

Know what your true path feels like

Your passion and energy drives you forward in a non-effortless and resistant way.  This gives life more meaning, purpose, clarity and direction.

Keep a journal of awareness

Shifting your awareness and noticing what is throwing you off course will help to clear patterns that emerge.  When you know what is stopping you, you will be able to create new and better ways forward and/or find areas where you may need some help.

Be patient and persistent

Altering the way we use our energy requires the same initial effort as learning any new thing.  But no matter where you are on your learning curve, if you know you are headed in the right direction you will get there.

Stay authentic to what is yours through self-awareness

When you maintain a state of constant awareness, you have the ability to fine-tune your internal compass, which will lead you to positive prosperity. The energy flow is precise and predictable. Your compass for adjusting into the flow of prosperity is self-awareness.

To you living your dreams!
