Removing Negative Energy Attachments

spirit releasement therapy

Spirit Release Therapy (SRT) is a healing method that deals with psychological issues by identifying and clearing energies and entities from an individual’s energy field. The main aim of Spirit Release Therapy (SRT) is to cut ties that might be causing disruptions. This therapy offers relief from feelings, like sadness, confusion, discomfort and stress.

People who have undergone this therapy often report feeling a sense of liberation. In this article we will explore the concept of Spirit Release Therapy and its potential positive impacts on your health. SRT is a therapy for spiritual issues, not for psychiatric or clinically diagnosable issues. 


Throughout history people over the world have talked about spirits. How they are set free. Many religions have practices that explain spiritual realms and beings. In the Bible it talks about Jesus healing by removing ‘unclean spirits. The Tibetan Book Of The Dead in Buddhism describes encounters with beings after death but before rebirth. Hinduisms The book “Autobiography of a Yogi” recounts tales of encounters with spirits. In times spirits continue to hold significance across diverse cultures shaping beliefs and daily rituals for countless individuals worldwide.

Over the century spirit releasement has evolved into a therapy approach. It began with works by psychiatrist Dr. Carl Wickland. Later expanded by psychologist Dr. Edith Fiore. A key contemporary guide for Spirit Releasement Therapy is Dr. William J. Baldwins book titled “Spirit Releasement Therapy. A Technical Manual.” The language and methods by Dr. Baldwin are widely recognised and used by SRT practitioners today.

spirit releasement

What exactly are spirit attachments?

Sometimes people may feel an energy, a vibe around them that seems connected to memories, challenging experiences or family ties. These feelings can evoke emotions, like sadness, a desire for comfort in substances or struggles with anxiety.

In this realm there are beings in forms—some providing support and others presenting challenges. These include Earthbound Spirits (EBs, Dark Force Entities (DFEs) and Extraterrestrials (ETs).

While certain spirits may not require Spiritual Releasement Therapy (SRT) others do. Spirit Releasement Therapy (SRT) offers a method to assist individuals in releasing energy entities and attachments that might impede their progress. This integrated approach aims to help overcome barriers by releasing pent up emotions and making room for growth. Many people seek SRT to deal with traumas rediscover themselves or navigate feelings of loss.

The Importance of Clearing Energy Blockages

By concentrating on recognisng and removing energy blockages,  Spirit Releasement Therapy (SRT) seeks to free up trapped energy and restore balance. This approach often leads to a decrease in stress, anxiety and sadness fostering a feeling of peace. When these barriers are cleared your body’s natural healing mechanisms kick in boosting your well-being.

Addressing barriers can clear your energy field of disturbances on a level. This process can assist in managing feelings of sadness, ongoing worries and emotional wounds. By facing these challenges head on your energy can move freely to support health and spiritual development. Those undergoing this therapy often report feeling uplifted, optimistic and experiencing a sense of harmony and tranquility.


Do I have to believe in spirits for this therapy to work?

You don’t have to believe in the existence of spirits to benefit from therapy. Many people find it helpful even if they have doubts about spirits. What matters most is being open to the idea that negative energies could affect your well-being. It’s important to note that believing in spirits is not necessary for this therapeutic process to be effective.

How does SRT help?

Spirit Releasement Therapy is a healing method that explores a person’s self to uncover energies that may be hindering their overall health. Guided by a therapist in setting meaningful discussions are held to examine these energies shedding light on their impact and consequences. With an understanding of energy dynamics, the therapist uses techniques to release these energies leading to a sense of lightness and increased happiness. Throughout the therapy process great care is taken to ensure your safety and comfort.

How long is the session?

A typical Spirit Releasement Therapy session usually lasts between 60- and 90-minutes allowing time, for exploration and personalized interventions. However, session lengths can vary depending on your needs. The therapeutic approach taken by the therapist. It’s important to recognize that genuine healing and transformation often require sessions.

What are some of the benefits?

The benefits of Spirit Releasement Therapy extend beyond beliefs as many individuals have reported changes in their well-being when grappling with doubts about spiritual entities. The important part is remaining open to the idea that negative energies can impact one’s health and happiness.

Some of the common benefits of this therapy are reduced anxiety and depression, relief from chronic pain, improved sleep quality and increased vitality. Additionally, this therapy can help individuals in connecting with their inner selves and tapping into their innate wisdom, fostering enhanced self-awareness and personal development.

Spirit releasement therapy serves as an alternative healing approach aimed at addressing the underlying causes of issues by clearing negative energies and entities from one’s energy field.

Healing with spirit releasement therapy involves delving into root causes by eliminating energies and entities from an individual’s energy field. Practitioners use methods, like visualization, hypnosis, energy healing and connecting with spirits to discover and let go of connections.

 This form of therapy can offer help to those struggling with health challenges by clearing away energies and entities promoting improved mental well-being. If you’re intrigued by healing approaches exploring spirit release therapy could prove to be a journey.


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