Is your business growing as fast as you are? Sometimes we make changes in ourselves and it takes some time for those changes to show up measurably in the ‘outside world’ and in the results we’re creating. It’s subtle perhaps, but by keeping your discipline and focus on the changes, and being patient (but not too patient, these things CAN happen quickly) and constant in your practice of new habits and ways of approaching life, you’ll see wonderful results start to happen.

As you change your mindset and your way of doing things, you are also changing your business, whether that’s a conscious decision or something you’re aware of, or not.  Sometimes it’s hard to see our own growth clearly and it’s sometimes easier to see over time, when we have some distance from it – or through the eyes of others and what they can tell us about what they observe.

What happens though; is it shows up. You work and you change and you struggle and you question. But you keep going and working at yourself and suddenly one day you realize that things are happening. Things seem to be going your way. The winds of fate are blowing in your direction – you’re getting more business, you have more energy, you feel clear and purposeful, you like the results you’re seeing.

It’s not magic; it’s the culmination of all you’ve done. It doesn’t show up immediately and sometimes the shifts are imperceptible until one day they’re obvious and you realize you’ve elevated your life and your business and you’re much closer to where you want to be – you feel more in alignment more of the time.

It’s as if you’re awakened. You DO realize the changes, you can feel and see them. Your Awareness of Self is like breath of the human soul.  The dreams have been heart inspired and realized. You’ve turned your hope and passion, your initiative and influence into achievement and progress.

It truly does feel like magic sometimes. As if there’s a dividing line between struggle and peace and you’ve stepped over the line. You’ve covered a lot of territory to get to that line, but now you cross it with ease!

Your passion is combined with your dreams and is pulling you toward the pursuit of your primary purpose and your life is unfolding in a deliberate and wonderful way. Your progression is a natural outcome of using your gifts (passion) in a healthy environment – your healthy mental environment.

James Autry got it right… Your work can provide you the opportunity for spiritual and personal growth and mostly financial growth, if it doesn’t you are wasting too much of your life on it. In other words, it should get you right where you want to be and if it doesn’t you need to retool, rethink and redirect your energies toward what is yours to do. Then and only then will you realize your true potential and feel at ease.

What you do and how you do it and how you show up in the world is a reflection of everything you think, believe and practice and as you become more of you, your consistent good work in your business will enable you to spend more time in ways consistent with the calling in your life. There is no better feeling and no more rewarding way to live.

 Certified EFT Intuitive Mentor & Coach for Heart Centered Solo-Entrepreneurs –  Reeny Barron empowers transformational entrepreneurs to achieve their life and business goals aligning purpose, passion and mindset – Connecting Heart and Business to Attract the Right Clients, Opportunities, Income and  Lifestyle.

Take the time to develop a business plan that feels authentic, and then develop a clear plan of implementation. When you understand that the foundation of business is to share value with someone else, you come full circle with a heart-centered spiritual practice.      Her blogs, includes inspirational articles showing you how to use your business to create your ideal lifestyle.  Grab the full article, “the Top Ten Reasons  your Spiritual Business is Keeping you Disadvantaged and Broke , at

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