Love goes beyond just being an emotion


Love holds the ability to heal and transform our perspectives. It acts as a cure for anguish, challenges and pessimism. Love lifts our spirits, ignites our desires and guides us towards ourselves. It fosters growth. Shines brightly in times of darkness.

 When we invite love into our lives we unlock possibilities in the universe. Love allows us to surpass the constraints of our minds and connect with our core. It breaks down walls nurturing connections with others. Love erases the barriers that separate us reminding us of our interconnectedness in the tapestry of life.

 Love can mend wounds within us. It has the power to mend hearts, ease suffering and offer solace during moments of grief. Love acts as a soothing balm, for the soul easing hurts and Helping in forgiveness and acceptance. Through love we can let go of burdens that hold us back and find freedom.

 Love changes how we think by unlocking the potential found within each person. It broadens our outlook on life allowing us to see beauty in every moment and appreciate all that life has to offer. Love transcends fear and uncertainty empowering us to embrace our strengths and live authentically Love Heals

Embracing opportunities pursuing our passions and leading a satisfying life are all driven by motivation

When we adopt a mindset rooted in love, towards life everything undergoes a transformation. Our outlook evolves, even the smallest details take on importance. Love enables us to appreciate the pleasures of discovering beauty in moments and holding dear unique memories. It encourages us to be present, in the now releasing past regrets and future worries. Love Heals

 Love isn’t always easy. It’s truly fulfilling. It requires us to be vulnerable, brave and open minded. Love encourages us to let go of our egos, release control and trust in the flow of life’s plan. Being selfless – giving without expecting anything in return – means loving ourselves as we love others. It’s about practicing empathy and kindness.

 In a world filled with chaos and division love acts as the solution that can unite us. It has the power to heal the wounds of our society, break down barriers, between us and create a world where kindness and compassion flourish. Love is the driving force that can not only change our awareness but raise humanity’s shared consciousness. 

Therefore, let’s opt for love in every instance. Let’s embody love’s ripple effect that sparks waves of positive transformation globally. Let’s welcome love’s nurturing and life changing influence and allow it to lead us towards a brighter and more empathetic future. Love is truly the most valuable gift we can offer ourselves and others and by harnessing its strength, we have the power to create wonders in our own lives as well as in the world around us.

Where Transformation Begins in the Heart

Therapeutic Sound Healing in the realm of science, is commonly associated with addressing conditions. Taking a holistic approach reveals that it involves more than just biology. True healing encompasses the interconnected aspects of mind, body, emotions, soul and spirit  goes beyond treatment to become a comprehensive journey that involves all these elements. Today, more healthcare practitioners are taking a holistic view recognising the importance of emotional and spiritual care in the healing process. Integrative treatments such as sound therapy are being incorporated into their session view a view of promoting holistic healing mind, body, emotional soul and spirit.  

Our Energy Field

 When we acknowledge the interconnectedness of our energy fields, we are providing our clients with holistic treatment. Ultimately, healing starts in the heart. Our heart is the core of our emotional and spiritual self. By bringing our hearts into a positive state such as love, kindness, tenderness and understanding, we start on a voyage towards healing that can go beyond just the traditional practices of medicine.

 In this way, we can truly start the process of healing ourselves by fostering a state of well-being that encompasses the whole person. When we face a life-threatening disease such as cancer, we become emotionally distressed which can stop the body’s natural healing process.  Emotions such as stress, fear, and other negative emotions weaken our response to healing, slowing down the process worsening the health condition in the first place. Love Heals

Hippocrates, the Father of Modern Medicine once said, “First, do no harm!” and “Physician, heal thyself!”  Albert Einstein said, “The rational mind is a faithful servant.  The intuitive mind is a sacred gift.  We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”  This is where my personal healing journey began, from outside the chaos of the rational modern medical box, and into the intuitive ancient healing arts.

Cancer patients suffer from multiple symptoms (e.g., fatigue, pain, stress, depression, insomnia) that diminish quality of life and shorten survival; and many of these symptoms persist long after treatment is completed.  These systems relate to our sympathetic nervous system, often with an over- reaction with flight, fight or freeze response. This also recreates an autonomic nervous imbalance in our bodies.

energetic relaxation

Our Nervous System

When we are dealing with cancer, those who are distressed with this life-threatening disease rob them of their hopes, dreams and any aspect of the future. Stress, pain, fear and other negative emotions are felt by cancer patients.  The fear of the unknown, the future and the emotions tied up with the experience of ill health.

 These feelings and ailments are common responses to the challenges posed by this life-threatening disease.  When we are in stressful or anxiety-provoking situation arises, the amygdala (an area of the brain associated with fear and emotions) sends a distress signal to the hypothalamus (a command structure of the brain associated with supporting homeostasis).

Chronic Cancer-Related Symptoms(stress, fatigue, pain, depression, insomnia) may be linked with Sympathetic Nervous System over-activation and autonomic imbalance When the body is in this state, sympathetic nervous system, we begin to feel an overflow of reactions from all the organ systems in our body, preparing us to deal with unforeseen circumstances.

Emotional wounds, whether caused by trauma, grief, fear or stress, can manifest as physical symptoms, affecting our overall well-being.  The opposite, parasympathetic nervous system, is when we become more relaxed, slowing our heart rate and conserving our body’s natural activity by decreasing the influx of the fight or flight response. 

Energy and our System

The parasympathetic nervous system then balances the sympathetic nervous system moving aware from the natural responses to a critical situation. The sympathetic nervous system puts us into survival state degrading the parasympathetic processes. The parasympathetic nervous system, under normal circumstances, would respond when a threat is known to activate the relaxation state.

  the Parasympathetic Nervous System may be neglected in its rest/digest/heal/grow processes. To begin to heal our responses of fight, freeze or flight is to notice our problems are outside of just our beliefs.  Once we move through the shadows of negative emotions, we can transcend how we respond through Sound frequencis and vibrations for intervention

Sound Healing Practices have helped to develop my own intuition and the resulting insights into the emotions and feelings have on cancer patients.  Sound in its various forms and frequencies is used to cross what Ken Wilber Calls The ‘Spectrum Consciousness’. This is the level of awareness that ranges from our senses and physical ailments to the emotional and mental to achieve an optimal outcome.

The use of crystal singing bowls and specific tuning forks such as the harmonic tuning forks, can bring a person with a life-threatening disease such as cancer, into a state of entrainment and restoration.  Sound interventions according to Michell Gaynor M.D.  in his book the Healing Power of Sound state “the implementation of sound and music for improved surgical outcomes, pain management, immune enhancement, cardiovascular fitness and the treatment of mood disorders”.

How does sound frequencies heal

The use of sound helps our energetic bodies balance from sympathetic to parasympathetic response, entraining their systems and helping to support stability.  Helping with calming the mind and therefore the body.

 Supporting the emotional effects, which influence our thoughts, eases the anxiety of further symptoms. Using sound frequencies to align the body’s energy field, nervous, cellular, and worldly system.  Sound can begin to sooth, helping to address tension and helping to renew the body, mind, and soul. 

Due to immense stress related to  illness – disease, Therapeutic sound healing is becoming popular to improve the responses to pain promoting emotional healing.  The use of sound frequencies to heal is a powerful and adaptive tool with enormous potential. By using sound frequencies resonating with our energetic bodies, we can help cancer patients move from the fight, freeze or flight into a system of rest, and repair.

 Also, with a better understanding of the healing potential of our body, using the transformative ability of sound vibrations, we can harness new possibilities to improve the quality of life for cancer patients. In conclusion Using sound healing combined with positive emotions can help the response to severe diseases, focusing self – love and intention.   It’s a deep and powerful modality, linking the connection between our heart, body and soul.

 an New outlook on life can have a profound impact on our heart’s well-being. By using vibrations  aims to improve emotional and spiritual health. This technique is effective in lowering stress levels and fostering a sense of well-being. It offers a pathway to self-healing and comprehensive wellness that diverges from medical approaches.     
