Inspiration Being "In Spirit"

Inspiration to be “In Spirit” 

Someday….“Earl Nightingale’ is famously quoted as saying:

Success is a progression of a worthy ideal.

What is a worthy ideal anyway?

We tend to chase the result. We have a lot of thinking that sounds like: when I ________ then I will blank.

What are you waiting for? Someone to make you happy? To have everything a certain way?  Accomplish a certain personal goal or achieve some measure of success that means you will arrive at some destination?

You often postpone your dreams to serve others fully until the right time, place, relationship, education and/or job. It’s easy for us to fall back into playing the waiting game until “SOMEDAY”!

Your work, service, product or even the book you may have written has been driven by passion and purpose.   YET you still look for success somewhere on the horizon.


We are often our own worst enemies and block the flow of success with old mind grooves –  attitudes, beliefs and behaviors that do not support our highest intention.

Getting out of your own way involves becoming awake and aware of what stops you, changing it so you can live your true calling, a purpose often driven by passion.  Simple, but not easy!

What drives you? Having more money? Traveling the world? Writing a book? Volunteering? What result do you seek from the things you want to accomplish?

What are you waiting for?

Bob Proctor defines a worthy ideal as the energy behind your ideal (goal) that fuels your mind and body.  It is to travel through those severe storms you know you will encounter.

We know that the most worthwhile things aren’t usually the easiest, BUT DO YOU accept that the storms in life are designed to strengthen you and help you grow.  It is the mental muscle to keep you going – driving toward your dreams, purpose and passion toward your destiny.

Until all goals  charge with the energy of inspiration – “In Spirit –  energy of spirit and desire which comes from our innermost expression of who we really are, manifestation slows.

So if you are meant to do something and know what it is and  infuse what you want inspiration, purpose, passion and belief.

YES BELIEF, is when we can step into that inspiration all is ready to have.

But, what do we do? We …

Get stuck in our heads, ask questions, doubt and fear pulls you back!

Don’t stay in the open and feeling place. We plan, we scheme, we worry…. sound familiar?

I know. I see my works sometimes comes from inspiration and this is when it works.  When it comes from ‘have to’ or ‘want to’ the results are – you know!

When you get that inspiration to do something – it’s so satisfying it brings the magic back into the vision and the satisfaction of realizing a worthy ideal.

So much of personal development talks about things happening fast.

Everything aligns to make it happen with ease – it slips into place.

We know this but then we still struggle and keep wondering by following others’ leads.

Am I doing it right? What am I missing? I think it just takes time to grasp this concept.

We become stubborn and we don’t listen (or hear!) the first time, or the second, or however many times, when feel that level of inspiration.

And, that’s our journey. We try, we try again, we experience failures and successes.

Eventually, we soften into our calling and we stop taking ourselves so seriously, we stop trying so hard and we give ourselves over to ease, to success, to the joy in the journey.

This is what I learned:

On the positive side, you don’t have to slow down just calm down and listen. Listen to that inner voice and realize that you are the center of all creation. Your inner genius wraps within around every cell of your body.

You already are filled with the infinite capabilities to do your work.  Your inspiration creative ideas are here for you to serve your purpose. Your success awaits. Slow down, and reel it in.


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