heart, mind, emotions, spirit

The answers lie in the connections between heart, mind, emotions, spirit

Have you ever wondered why one what you are seeking takes off like wildfire, while another one falls flat? Why some relationships flourish, and others fizzle? How do you get yourself aligned and “in the flow”?

Following are the seven lessons I’ve identified in my own journey  – that I’m now pleased to share with you:

1. Know that  heart, mind, emotion, spirit all follow each other.

I think of these four key areas as moving, flowing, constantly changing “balls of energy.” It’s almost like they each have their own circulating vortexes of energy. The key is to get them moving and flowing in the same direction – this is the “sweet spot” you’re aiming for. When they’re not in alignment, your energy is constricted, and you feel bottlenecked.

With spirituality, I’m talking about owning your own joy – knowing what your joy is, and how you uniquely bring it to the world. When you’re aligned on that level, that’s when you can get the energetic ball rolling – you can authentically share your spirit with the world in a way that’s perfectly for you.

When it comes to your heart energy ball, focus on your heart as a golden light.  Imagine it becomes bigger and brighter.  Feel the difference before and after.  Just touching your heart will ignite its flow.   Your heart energy ball will get constricted  from any negative energy you encounter.  When you do go back to remembering who you are and glow within, your sense of purpose and feel the flow of energy bring positive events to you.

2. Your spirit is speaking to you – but are you listening?

Stop and create time in your day to listen. You can do this by journaling, meditating, getting away from your computer for a mind-clearing walk – anything that allows you to think about external events from a broader perspective. What are your hearing?  It is coming from your ego or your spirit.  Do you know the difference?   What questions and answer unspoken? What is your spirit telling you about your path?

To do your most effective listening, I strongly encourage suggest you read the book Ego is the Enemy as sometimes you’re too close to it, it’s too personal. Plus, the reasons behind your energy constriction aren’t always what you think they are! Having outside perspectives and people to ask you tough questions are invaluable in getting to the root of what is blocking listening with clarity.

3. Everyday involves a spiritual exchange of energies.

There are things on the visible level – like your emails, meeting a friend for lunch, daily work routines, and more. Always, when you’re exchanging  ideas, inspiration and especially energy your energy is attached to everything you do. The same goes for the invisible level – where even if somebody can’t see you, they can feel your vibration and intention through your essence.

You’ll know when you are powerfully aligned with your spirit- because everything just gets easier. The barriers seem to collapse in front of you. When you’re spiritually aligned with your soul purpose, you are clear, and you’re open to the life and whatever evolves. Now let it flow!

4. It’s a law of nature: we are here to expand.

Just as nature is always changing and evolving as the seasons pass.  We, ourselves are changing as our cells replenish themselves – so it goes with life. This is especially true for entrepreneurs — you’re always at the leading edge of expansion, putting yourself out there for the world to see.

It could be that your natural expansion needs to happen in one of these three key areas (mind, heart, emotion or spirituality). If you can identify it and clear it up, you’ll have that crystal clear, clean energy – and your people will respond to that.

Blockages can appear as anxiety, stress, anger, fear, doubt – any negative emotion you feel.

5. Be aware of the abundance around you.

Tap into gratitude on a daily basis, make a list of the signs of abundance and prosperity you see.   They are everywhere. This practice of always looking for evidence of our abundant world actually feeds your heart mind.  Emotions guiding  you towards total spiritual alignment.

Look back over the last couple of years, and see how being grateful has played in your life.   They are the proverbial “mirror” you need to hold up to your life, so you can see things for what they really are.

6. Dare to connect to that “knowing place” inside of you.

Everyone has a place that absolutely knows what you’re here to do in this world,  knows when you’re in the right place, going in the right direction. You have to dare to show up and say, “Yes, I know. I get weak telling of my own story of saying I don’t deserve it. Yes, I do know.”

Listen to your body. Your body talks to you. Being joyful,  which is being on purpose, your body sends you signals: tingling, giggling, smiling, feeling your heart open, a tug in your solar plexus to move forward or holding your posture taller, are all examples. Slow down and listen to your body talk. Then, you can bring your brilliance forth into the world, to make it a better place by serving your clients well.

7. The universe likes flow.

Everything just seems to come easier when there is a good balance between the masculine “focus” and the more feminine “flow.