Dream FairyHave a Dream not Yet Manifested?

A new year is always an exciting time, I get a similar feeling I had as a kid when the summer was winding down and it was time to anticipate new experiences and moving forward. Culturally we’re wired for new beginnings in a new year. Whatever you’re experience with goal setting in the past – positive or negative – I encourage you to invest some time in this New Year to reflect on what you want.    Imagine yourself at this time next year – what do you want to look back on having accomplished in 2014?

♥What do you want to add change or move out of your life and why do you want it?

♥What will you miss out if you don’t make the changes to create what you desire?

♥What will it cost you if the things stay the same?

♥What will hinder you spiritually, emotionally, financially, physically if things don’t change?

Here’s my big challenge question for you to create your best year yet

Do you have the strength and guts to set a big goal and create action plans that will stretch you? Do you? It’s a legitimate question. Why? Because it takes courage. It takes putting your ego aside and realizing what you’re capable of (lots!), what you believe you can accomplish and what you’re willing to do to just go for it and make it your reality.

Your starting point

According to Mike Dooley, visualizing our goal can have as much impact as writing (the goal).    Visualizing in all its senses the One Main Goal for 2014!

♥In one year’s time do you like what you see?

♥Who are you as the holder of our vision?

♥What do you believe about yourself, your capabilities identify, career, business?

♥What do or will you be doing?

♥What extra skills do you need to achieve what you desire?

♥Where are you in your vision for 2016?

Take the time to vision, or at least take the time to get quiet and make a list, play a little with the possibilities. I’m sure you’ll agree you’re much more likely to get what you want if you know what it is you want.  Often these are hard questions to answer.  Are you looking for more material things, happiness, peace, better relationships, and more money?

Make it Happen

You know as well as I do just visualizing alone will not work.  You do have to take action.  Sometimes we will short shift the planning and writing the actions needed to be taken. Keeping the actions in our head does not make it easy on us.  If we do, our heads will spin out in complete overwhelm clogged up recycling the to-do stuff.   In other words “Noise”; “Vibrational Clutter” and it will get you know nowhere.

Make it easy by breaking down your amazing year into milestones

It makes sense to start to put the actions in writing.      Once you have your ideas on paper, it becomes a very simple process to develop a strategy for implementation, to get the plans parsed into the elements that moves you, step-by-step, toward what you desire.

Here is an easy way to do this. 

Break down your amazing year into milestones and you can do this in quarters.  You can get a lot done in less overwhelm breaking it down into 90 day cycles. Taking baby steps is done by breaking it into 90 day cycles.  The reason is we look at 90 days in the way we think; the seasons, and the universe also works this way.  Nature always works in 90 days.  If something is not working you can get out of its way and put it into the following quarter.

Demonstrate Your Commitment

I hear so often how busy everyone is. Usually busy with what’s right in front of them and we all have a LOT that is right in front of us – always. That won’t change, unless you change it deliberately. Having an action plan to realize your One Main Goal is a way to stand up to the issue of time and its’ management and make your big plans a reality.

What do I mean?

It’s much easier to get caught up in the day to day, all that’ right in front of us to do. Letting other people’s agendas rule our time, letting crisis rule our time, letting lack of planning or commitment to our big goals steal our time. Take a stand for your life, your business, and your big goals. As unglamorous as it sounds, it starts with knowing what you want and then deciding the ways you can make that happen. Then, breaking that down into actionable items you will make progress on, one by one. To quote the roman emperor Hadrian speaking of the building of Rome, by way of the movie Seabiscuit (!), Brick by brick my citizens, brick by brick. And so it is with your planning. One step at a time is how every great dream is realized, life is built, goal realized. To Your Best Year Yet.


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