Group Classes and Workshops

Six Week Mindfulness Meditation Workshop

soul purpose life coaching soul purpose life purpose life coaching purpose life soul purpose life coach inner wisdom guidance spiritual healing

Mindfulness is a transformative mental state of awareness, openness and focus.  Regular practice of mindfulness will reduce stress, increase self-awareness, enhance emotional intelligence and enable us to handle painful thoughts, feelings, memories and urges far more effectively. 

Learn how to

  • Understanding the core principles of mindfulness
  • Learn what mindfulness is and isn’t
  • Foundational Attitude of Meditation
  • Formal vs Informal Mindfulness
  • How to use Mindfulness in both personal and professional context
  • Deepen the connection between your head, heart and intuition
  • In-depth process of personal reflection and investigation throughout.

The whole point of mindfulness meditation is to bring you into a state of non-judgemental awareness. By focusing on your breath and using prompts to keep your awareness in the present, a regular mindfulness meditation practice will help you transcend that old monkey mind tug-of-war between anxiously anticipating what might happen in the future and mulling over past hurts and actions.

Why a Six Week Program

Constant change has become the one permanence on which we can rely. There’s no denying that modern knowledge and conveniences have brought us untold advantages. However, at the same time, we have lost our connection to others and our surroundings. Mindful meditation brings back that important lost connection to what is happening inside of us and around us. It’s not an antidote to the problems of living in the 21st century, but it can provide the skills to help us cope with many of its problems.

Throughout this comprehensive training, you will gain a grounded understanding of the psychology that underpins mindfulness; it’s philosophical foundations, the history of mindfulness alongside a broad range of today’s most relevant approaches, styles and techniques.

After you finish this program you will deepen your own mindfulness practice at home or at work.

Total cost for the six week program is $150 00 AUD per person

Register your interest for our upcoming Six Week Mindfulness Meditation Workshop.

Soul Focused Healing through Chakra Balancing


Every area of your life is influenced by the 7 main energy Chakras in your body. This course offers you a unique way to Balance and Heal Chakras in a variety of ways to keep you and your clients in tip top condition. You will balance and restore good health to the body, relieve stress and anxiety, empower yourself and others, vitalize the physical body and bring about the development and awareness of the self-consciousness bringing mental, emotional and spiritual balance.

The amazing thing when taking this course is that you will do this work on yourself as you begin learning and practicing on others.

  • Learn to manage and harness energy efficiently.
  • Learn about the 7 main Chakras and how they work
  • Learn about the other 5 Chakras
  • Learn the relaxation, balancing frequencies and guided meditation to heal and balance the Chakras
  • Experience the amazing empowerment you receive from this healing and balancing work
  • Feel joyful, happy and healthy
  • Cope better with day to day stresses and frustrations
  • Bring good health and vitality to yourself

Workshops for the soul, meditation, crystal healing, sound baths, mindfulness.

Why Heal our Chakras

In order to manage your energy effectively, it’s important that you understand how it works before you can transform it. One of the best ways to access this knowledge is by understanding your energy centres or your chakras. Chakra Balancing is a form of energy healing that focuses on channeling energy into the seven chakras. Each chakra is associated with aspects of our physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing

Each Chakra vibrates at different light frequency from red at the Root Chakra, orange at the Sacral (naval) Chakra, yellow at the Solar Plexus Chakra, green/pink/ice blue at the Heart Chakra, blue at the Throat Chakra , purple at the Third Eye Chakra and violet at the Crown Chakra.

When all our Chakras are in balance each Chakra unites and creates a bright white light that then connects us and activates our Merkabah field. In perfect balance our energy field vibrates the highest frequency of crystal white light and nothing can enter it that might throw it off balance. In this state we are literally glowing with light and dis-ease cannot manifest into our physical bodies as it is “burnt off” if it tries to enter our energy field.

Many things can impact our energy field, our emotions particularly, when we feel disempowered for example our solar plexus area is impacted in the physical body but not only that the Solar Plexus Chakra becomes engorged with this emotional trigger and cannot feed light into that area of the body.

The aim of this  course is to release energetic blockages and promote a good flow of energy and harness optimum health for you to live your life in complete health and happiness

The course runs over 8 weeks  (60-90 minutes each session)
Includes Crystal Singing Bowl Healing
Total cost for the course is $200.00 AUD per person

Register your interest for our upcoming Chakra Balancing and Healing classes.

Meditation 60- 90 Minute Class

Every second and forth Wednesday of the Month starting 10 May @ 5:30 PM

Bookings taken at Ishara Healing Centre for Evening Meditations

The whole point of meditation is to bring you into a state of non-judgemental awareness. By focusing on your breath and using prompts to keep your awareness in the present, a regular mindfulness meditation practice will help you transcend that old monkey mind tug-of-war between anxiously anticipating what might happen in the future and mulling over past hurts and actions.

Meditation is a way to keep you focused in the present moment, no matter what else is happening around you or what you’re doing. You may or may not find Nirvana, but you can find your inner peace. Starting today, you can make a positive commitment to building mindfulness meditation into every aspect of your life.

Why Guided Mediations?

Guided meditation is an amazing place for beginners to start their journey. Meditating alone can be tricky when just starting, you may find your mind starts to wonder and you don’t get the most from your practice.

During your guided meditation session, you may be instructed to sit comfortably on the floor or even lie down. You will be guided through visualisations designed to help clear your mind and focus, reduce tension throughout the body, and promote stress relief. Some meditatons may also make use music or sounds to help ease your transition into deep relaxation.


Meditating with a guide can combat this problem and can take away some of the pressure that one can feel when just starting out. There are so many proven benefits of guided meditation. Some being…

  • Stress relief
  • Anxiety relief
  • Improving mood
  • Combating depression
  • Help with drug and alcohol abuse
Total cost per session is $25.00 AUD person

Soul Purpose Coaching
Access your Inner Wisdom

An Unforgettable Two‐Day Event

Divine Higher Guidance is not exclusive to anyone– this is your opportunity and BIRTHRIGHT to experience your divine connection that knows you and supports you in the development of your life in this time.

We all can live by our higher guidance – we are all deserving – no one is better than another. Everyone has the ability – you don’t have to have a spiritual background to receive these gifts.

  • Understand how your feelings affect what comes into and out your life.
  • Awaken to how life is happening through you rather than to you
  • Know you are an essential part of a bigger story of imagination, energy and expression
  • Apply universal principles to break free of any resistance to a more purposeful abundant life
  • Learn how to trust your inner wisdom
  • Give your self permission to have what you want
  • Access the “hidden” support within awakening the power of the feminine.
  • Adapt the gift of the masculine to hold your spirit and power in a way to foster goodness and well-being
  • Clear dis‐empowering beliefs, and get to the grooves hat have limited you to living an abundance life.
    And More…Master all the techniques we will share with you in the program

We will work together to establish your life for positive change

  • Receive a full workbook
  • Guided Meditations and Imagery
  • Receive a free copy of my Book “The Art Feminine Power”
Includes Sound Healing and Reiki
Total cost for the course is $250.00 AUD per person

Register your interest for our upcoming Six Week Mindfulness Meditation Workshop.

Mastering Crystals for Healing

Welcome to the world of energy healing stones!

Whether believed to contain special healing powers, enhance psychic abilities, conjure up spirits, or just used as symbols of wealth and power, crystals, gems, and stones have always held a special place in human history.

It’s well known that they’ve been used for healing and to bring balance to oneself for more than a millennia. Energy is at the very core of our universe’s existence and unifies us all together. And based on that – the fact that science has proven that everything is energy – is why crystal healing is believed to be so beneficial.

One of the benefits of taking this course is that it will allow you to get a deeper understanding of how the energy of crystals may facilitate personal change. to make changes to our energy and to get control over the energy in our lives, homes, and places of work.

Crystals can raise our vibration, which in turn helps us in the process of manifesting what we want in our lives and also allows us to lead lives that are healthier and more loving. This change may take place in our lives when we bring crystals into our lives.

Crystals can assist in guiding the flow of energy to the individual, then to a certain part of the body to bring in balance and stimulate wellbeing. Ultimately, they assist in cleaning the individual from negative or damaging energy which is believed to induce illness. By driving out the bad energy, it can ease the physical ailment.

What Kind of Knowledge Can You Expect to Acquire While Taking This Course?
  • You are going to be given a concise overview of the history of crystals, as well as an explanation of how crystals cross the gap between science and magic.
  • Everything you need to know to include crystals into your healing practice, including instructions on how to do so.
  • Crystals are a powerful tool that may be used to help strengthen and balance the seven chakras.
  • You are going to get knowledge about crystalline formations.
  • Crystals are used for clearing, charging, and setting intentions in this process.
  • A guide to selecting the gemstones and crystals that are ideal for you
  • How to use crystals to establish intentions and how to work with those intentions after they have been set
  • The top 50 crystals, ranked by Chakra, along with information on their structures and qualities.
  • You’ll get familiar with the many Crystal forms as well as the applications for each one.
  • You will get an understanding of why crystals may be of assistance in the healing process
  • And more…
Includes Crystal Bowl Healing and Reiki Healing – Crystals for each chakra
Total cost for the course is $50,00 AUD per person

Bookings taken at Ishara Healing Centre for Evening Meditations

Soul Journaling

What is Soul Journaling?

In this fascinating, instructive, and delightful journey into Soul Journalling you will explore and practise the myriad ways in which Soul Journalling may be applied to your life.What would you do if you knew, I mean genuinely knew in Any aspect of your being, that there is a solution to every question you have ever pondered and that all you have to do is ask, and the answer would come to you? What would you do with that knowledge? What exactly does it entail for you?

If you think of prayer as a way to communicate with a higher power and meditation as a way for that higher power to communicate with you, then soul writing is a way for you to take notes on what the higher power is saying. To put it another way, Soul Journalling might be thought of as a kind of written meditation.

Soul Journalling - written meditation
soul writing

You don’t have to be a writer to be inspired or to put that inspiration into words and share it with the world. To allow that creativity to flow, all you need to do is come in touch with your intuition and listen to the still, little voice inside.

We will take you on meditations to allow you to convey your thoughts in a way that is more artistically derived from your spirit or intuition.

Soul Journalling helps you view the world from a more inspired and intuitive perspective, which in turn improves your awareness of both yourself and the world around you.

Learning to write from this place helps you see the world from that perspective. You will not only be startled by the uniqueness and beauty of your work, but you will also realise how inspirational and trance writing may be essential to your personal growth, as difficulties will come up for you to deal with. Not only will you be amazed, but others will be as well. In addition to this, it strengthens your connection wth the Divine, which contributes to your spiritual development by releasing inner resources for the purpose of expression and progress.

Total cost for the course is $50.00 AUD per person

Bookings taken at Ishara Healing Centre for Evening Meditations