forgivenessForgiveness is Love

Have you ever been through something so upsetting that you despised another person to the point where you didn’t want to be around them?

This pain manifests itself in our faces and bodies, sending out negative energy.

It is easiest to engage in these power struggles because we are correct and the other is incorrect. It is our defence mechanism that keeps us safe and in control.

For years, I harboured resentment towards others for robbing me of what was rightfully mine.

Every time we met, the memories of the hurt came flooding back, and the focus was no longer on the moment of two minds meeting, but on that ONE event.

There were times when it seemed like forgiveness was out of the question. I could stay in my misery, or I could choose to forgive them by deciding to understand what drove them to do what they did.

Step back

Forgiveness can have significant health benefits. Observational studies, as well as some randomised trials, suggest that forgiveness is associated with lower levels of depression, anxiety, and hostility; reduced substance abuse; higher self-esteem; and greater life satisfaction.

Have you ever taken a step back to consider what happened in their life that caused them to act in such a way, and considered yourself fortunate that you did not have to walk in their shoes?

Those who are harmful through acts of appropriation or violation will face greater grief, which is why it is said, “If you go in search of revenge, first dig two graves.”

How can you expect others to forgive us when we are unable to forgive others for their wrongdoing?

How can we respond in kind when others do things we don’t like or agree with?

Look in the mirror as any person or thing that pushes our buttons in any shape and form becomes our teacher.

Which do you choose?

Forgiveness is extremely effective. Allow it all to go; the consequences will be theirs to bear. Forgiveness is more powerful than attack because it brings us closer to our true selves.

Remove these impediments from your path and embrace the healing and peace that forgiveness brings. Begin by forgiving yourself for wrongdoings done to others.

Do it because you care more about those who cannot. Because if you are unable to forgive yourself or others, the pain and loss of peace will continue. How can you claim to be greater than yourself if you can’t forgive those who have hurt you?

Be prepared for the unexpected!

Allow yourself to receive a far more powerful gift.

This is a love that resonates with others, not a love for power or gain.

Accepting the flaws of others allows us to be more respectful of our disagreements.

Forgiveness allows people to be themselves, just as we would like to be allowed to be ourselves.





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