Joy of the Heart

  • What do you believe is your quest in life?
  • When have you ever perpetually been stopped to be true for you in your life?
  • Where have you ever been restricted to the unlimited?
  • Is there something that appears to reduce your feelings of control?

Our fear of knowing the truth, keeps us looking externally for answers.  Naturally we seek what is outside of us to give us peace, tranquility, happiness, and joy.

Often correcting our thoughts and actions with words, visualizations, positive self-talk.  Controlling our internal dialogue of criticism with judgment is difficult.

Moving from Fear to Joy

Reverberations of your energy is the boldness of your being.  Transmuting from fear to joy occurs when we investigate our heart.    In this instance, the love of the spirit explodes.  The people around us respond as the energy around you starts to shake.    Something stirs, opening you to the feelings of internal joy and pure peace.

True Joy is in Your Heart

Be still – learn to be quiet and look within and just watch your mental habits in action, do not judge them.  Be still as the observer from the depths of this silence.  If you find you mind refuses to let, go of the constant noisy thoughts breath and take you thoughts from you to the mind of your heart.  As you breathe feel the love in your heart transmuting the thoughts.  Finally, you can look truthfully at the matter without being afraid of what you might find.

There may be times when you sense your heart is closed, just become aware of your breathing again.  Look with clearly at what your heart is saying.  Ask what is holding me from feeling joy?

Acknowledge – Accept – Let Go.

Finding pure joy and love.

Your home life becomes harmonious.  Relationships are deeper to a level that is incredible joy and people in your life respond to this joy

Sense your heart’s truth – the light of your being.  An unbiased uncomplicated selfless joy that ignites you in turn ignites others.  In this joy, you choose over fear.  Worries and judgments are held back, and your focus is centered on the present and not the future. Let the love catch the thought as you continue to look deeply.

Heart is Truth

Feelings of joy in our hearts help us to become witnesses to the depths of our souls.  Opening our hearts is the beginning.  This is where we begin to know who we really  not as a personality, but as a living spiritual being.  In effect, acquiring the knowledge of who we really are.  In addition, knowing our heart is truth, the joy of the divine, we begin to heal our attitude to oneself and to others.

We can choose how to live, how our relationships will evolve.  So, ask in your silence what kind of relationships you want to nurture within yourself.

Is there an inner friend that criticizes and judges you?  Does your inner friend accept you for who you are?

Look within, in your silence, beyond your beliefs and say, “I love myself and accept myself for who I am”

Truly, the essence of who you are will filter to those that need you most.  Travel inside to notice our heart’s consciousness.  Our heart brain opens the door to our inner knowing within our soul to live a profusely full and joyful life.

Finally, understand our lives are here to serve us with diversity and challenges.  However, those challenges are not unhealthy.  They are a part of the blessings of life that have been given to you, a chance to grow and develop.  Silently go within and all challenges will be shown for their truth.

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