deep breaths holy father to give divine signal and message connect to your higher source perfect divine signalDivine Signals and Messages

Our soul is different from spirit, and often confused.  We are given divine signals and messages. Our spirit is the connection to our higher source, where answers will be heard with actions to be taken.  Our soul is the expression of how we will live in this world, because we are a body.

Living with the soul is a natural way of living in the world.  Your soul is being expressed through your everyday experiences.  So today you can start to become the person you are most seeking, making you life more fulfilling, living with soul will help you to become more alive and purposeful.

When the search for spiritual connection and it works well, it brings great relief.    You want this experience to last forever.  All it takes it a few minutes a day to remember.  Your soul will show up more as it becomes better connected to higher source.

Connect to your Higher Source

Give yourself a few minutes and try this exercise to connect to your higher source for answers of your soul purpose

I recognise there is one power and presence in the universe.  God the good, omnipotent.  I am one with this power and presence of God.  Therefore, I claim my perfect divine signal and divine message to come to me now with divine order and timing.

I call upon the Holy Father to give me a divine signal and message.   Release all seeming blockages that have prevented me from receiving my perfect divine signal and message now.  Release and let go f all ideas that I am separate from God or that God is out of reach.  In doing so, I accept and welcome with open arms my perfect divine contact with God now.  Thank you, God, and SO IT IS.

Once you make contact with your higher source take a few deep breaths

I now let go of the outer environment and go deeper to the physical level

Take three deep breaths

I now relax and become aware of my conscious mind

Take three deep breaths

I now relax to the level of my subconscious mind

Take three deep breaths

Connect with your higher source

Ask for the signal

Take three deep breaths

I call upon Holy Wisdom to give me your divine signal now.  Feed it stronger feed it stronger feed it stronger

Take a few deep breaths

Let go and Let God

Recognise and verify my signal

Once recognised a clear signal than say aloud:

  Holy Wisdom is the signal that I have identified as being  my signal?  Then please feed it stronger to me now?

Take three deep breaths

Ask for a message and say aloud

 “Holy Wisdom please tell me (ask the questions you are most seeking answers to) now”

IT is critical to ASK for direction of your soul purpose.

  • Why am I holding back?
  • What is it that I need to do?
  • When do you show up in my life?
  • Is there a message that I need to understand?
  • When will I live my truth?
  • It there anything else you would like to say?
  • What would you like for me to do?
  • How will this look like in my life?
  • Is there anything else you would like to say?

Let go and let be

Take another deep breath

 Do nothing and less than nothing.  Do not try to get a message have a neutral attitude and give up completely.

Give Thanks and Gratitude