Doing it Alone

…you are a service professional who runs their own ethical and conscious business……or is trying to!  

 So, you’ve taken the leap and dedicated your life to being of service by helping others. You know just how true it is that the world needs more of heart centered businesses out there! But, there is a challenge – a new paradigm – one that is unique and sells itself differently from old based goal setting and business planning product based services.

 You want to make a difference and yet… 

  • The ideal of selling is so scary – telling others what you do – you message is unclear and words just don’t come out – you hide total embarrassment
  • There’s not enough money coming back to you in exchange for the amount of incredible hard work, time, and your own money you put in.
  • Your clients are not calling you. Instead you search and pray for them to find you and they still only trickle in
  • You may be surviving but you are just tired of going at it alone!

Consciousness and Prosperity

It has been so interesting to observe over a number of years how the world of business is changing and creating  challenges to get our message across particularly for conscious based business and individuals who want  to make a good living or even a living sharing their gifts.

There are a number of reasons for this and I will share a few here.

  • We have deep seated beliefs of unworthiness and inadequacy so we don’t feel good enough (remember that 95% of our limited beliefs are subconscious and only 5% we are consciously aware of!)


  • We have a belief that getting paid well or even at all for our gifts or being of service does not go together. This comes from many past lifetimes of religious and child hood programming and the vows we have taken along with the conditioning reinforced in this life. Once again we have many vows that we have made during our lifetimes that drive our behaviors in our subconscious.


  • Many of us do not like marketing – we hate being pushy, salesy, inauthentic. I’ve heard over and over that word of mouth will happen, that is not enough to count on and more often than not doesn’t happen for years even if you are wonderful at what you do. Great news!!!! There are ways to market successfully and still be your authentic self.   I call it Selling with Soul.  If you don’t market yourself you will not be able to share your gifts and make the difference in those precious lives that you signed up to help. They need your gifts as you are unique.   You are a change agent here to make a different to ignite  your calling.


  • Most of the clients I have worked with for over 5 years are not comfortable with business. They don’t know how to or realize what it takes to run a successful business and so many give up before they have barely begun. It is not serving you or the world by being in a corporate job that you have no passion for. If you are feeling flat, dreams are waiting to be manifested, visions left behind because it is a new step and with new changes there are risks NOW is the time to change.


  • Or maybe you are passionate and love what you are doing and know you are making a difference that is wonderful!! I knew I had to quit my corporate job because of the disconnection of spirit and heart.

We can’t do it alone, we all need assistance, mentors, coaches, or courses to help us navigate the often lonely path to success. We also need the help to motivate us and keep us accountable. I have always had mentors assisting me and I have 3 right now that specialize in different areas to teach me all about keeping my spiritual connection, business to online marketing and creating information products and the inner and outer growth that is ongoing.

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