change and transformation needed more time know butterflies higher purposeWhy point to butterflies?  They all about change and transformation.

This is my understanding.  The mystery of life is a problem not to be solve but to be experience.

A journey of change and transformation.

I’ve been on an interesting and sometimes difficult journey these last few years. I’ve been in business for myself for many years, I’ve worked for others, I’ve learned a lot, I’ve taught a lot, I’ve FELT a lot.

When I decided to follow my chosen path, to assist people find their voice and embrace their higher purpose path to joy-fulfilled life and self- empowerment, I narrowed that focus to sensitive intuitive women.  As em-paths, the challenge is how can you align your right livelihood and answer your call achieving the success and abundance you so deserve.

This is something I’ve worked on for many years and feel at time I’ve achieved that success and peace of mind.  I have then fallen back into the solitude of being with myself.  I know from experience that when this occurs this is the breakthrough point.  This is where we go into the dark places hidden from sight.   When we allow all dimension of life and business change.

change and transformation needed more time know butterflies higher purpose

It has been challenging, trying to figure out how to transfer and teach what I’ve learned and to walk that path.  I’ve been ready, then I’ve needed more time.   I’ve been ready at a new level and had yet more to learn, explore and prepare.  I’ve needed more time again! Just like you, I go through ups and downs. I suppose this is part of working at a higher purposeful path.  Knowing at this level as we evolve, we begin to understand we are still human continuing to experience erratic emotions.

I sometimes see myself about to communicate to other purposefully and well and yet sometimes do this poorly, shut down silently! After all the time I invested in my development and understanding of my own higher purpose, I know have the tools to I need for my work.   I understand by discovering the qualities to bring alignment with people I respect and admire, I am able to reinforce and grow my skills.

The teacher is the one who chooses to be one and has accepted that which has been given.

Now that I’ve done this work of awakening to my birthright, my road is established and direction is certain.  I know when I pay sufficient attention to the messages I am getting, I already have all the answer I seek, within.  The ‘how….

Here are some of the messages I’ve been getting when I slow down and listen:

  • You care about others, you want to help them understand, appreciate, enjoy, and know how to apply what you are sharing with them.
  • You care deeply about your material, programs,  all your offerings are the best they can possibly be, structured so others can be the best they can be.
  • You believe your work is important. It is important to you, and will be important for those you want to help when you feel it is just right and ready for the world.
  • Moreover, what I know is that YOU (universe or however you define what’s out there, bigger than we are) wish me to be the best that I can.

But what can you tell me about butterflies?

I get anxious and unsettled and sometimes I get butterflies.  When I feel them, I know I am awake.

The lesson of the butterfly is about change and transformation.  Letting go of old behaviors, attitude and values.  Those that expound into the next phase of existence.

Our butterflies are here to tell us…

  • We may need help organizing a project or detailing the sequence of steps to complete it.
  • We may know it is time for a change and need the courage to break free from our “cocoon.”
  • We are about to experience a major life change.
  • We sometimes take things too seriously.

When I’ve had butterflies, my awareness increases as does my heart rate and breathing.  Sometimes I think butterflies symbolize the excited of opening ourselves to others. I feel emotions bubbling up.  I typically try to understand where it might be coming from.  What the emotion wants to express to me. In addition, honestly, sometimes there is no rhyme or reason.   I can just feel an excitement coming on.

These particular, seemingly random emotional attacks have the most potential for my crazy behavior at times, in my opinion.

Phew. I’ve said it. Thank you for witnessing.

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