Dont do it alone

Do you ask for help when you need it? Do you offer help when it’s needed by others? Which do you find easier? Most of us are quick to help others and reluctant to ask for what we need. If that’s true for you, take a moment to ponder why that is.

Napoleon Hill taught the concept of the business Mastermind and it’s been said over the years that when two people work in partnership, there’s a third entity that exists. There is each person and then there is the collective mind – the way those two people think and work together. The ideas that come from the support and encouragement they offer one another. That ‘third mind’ is responsible for some of the biggest ideas and successes. Who can you work with to enhance one another? Who will encourage and support you?

When you can share ideas openly and freely, without fear of competition and without feeling like every idea has to be fully formed and realized, you will experience a sense of freedom and creativity that can propel you forward at a rate of speed much quicker than what you could accomplish alone. Still, we’re raised in a competitive culture. We’re taught not to share our best ideas, lest they get stolen. If you have more, I must in that thinking, have less.

It’s not an abundant mentality. Rather, it’s one dictated by fear and limitation. There is another way to live. You experience it by be willing to accept that there is, in fact, plenty for everyone and then stepping into that belief. Begin by finding one or even two people who will form a Mastermind with you. Set out to resolve one challenge by throwing it on the table and letting the other person(s) brainstorm about it. What else could be done? Is there another way to look at it? Turn it upside down? Sideways?

It’s very hard to see our own lives, our own work, our own value. It’s so easy to see that in others, and that’s a great habit to cultivate, seeing the good in others. Let them see that in you and reflect it back. You’ll find it’s a brilliant thing to look at. It’s you, seen through the eyes of understanding and support. I’m here to tell you that it looks fabulous. I encourage you to try it and shift your perspective and change your outcome.

Have you ever had a person or situation in your life that is difficult, frustrating, even enraging? Most of us do at some point in time. Do you think there’s anything you can learn from them?

What would it be like to have the inner resources to be able to learn from the difficult people and situations in your life so that you came away with a sparkle in your eye and a new determination, instead of feeling sucked dry and shaken?

I cannot do everything myself, in my business, and I doubt that you can as well.  BUT you try because that is what you believe you have to do to build our business.  Work hard doing everything yet often finding the outcome goals you want to achieve are slipping away.  You’re exhausted. Or it could be that your business is thriving, but you are still feeling anxious or unfulfilled – OR worse yet “Fear of losing it”

There will be a collision between your love of what you do and the day-to-day tasks that come with running your business.   Most times, the road to building your dreams is bumpy so when you have someone to partner with to assist you- you have someone to discuss issues with – someone skilled guiding you to get exactly where you want to be.

Know you are worth the time, effort and investment of transforming your life and business and bringing out the best of BOTH!

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