I remember going to a workshop where the presenter asked half of the audience to only breathe out and the other half to only breathe in. Obviously it all got messed up but not the meaning.

Breathing is a cycle that requires both to achieve harmony and balance. The presenter then drew a parallel with giving & receiving and asked why it is we so often keep giving and giving until our bubbles burst? Usually because we don’t feel comfortable receiving BUT as the presenter pointed out, what right do we have to deny others from giving to us?

A few years ago I drew a similar parallel with my attempts at creating a Spiritual Business. Because of my quest to live in alignment with Spirit, I turned my back on the other half of the equation – business in a misguided belief the two could not co-exist harmoniously.

After a while I came to the realization I was operating at the extremes of balance rather than the midpoint. I had been attempting to shut out the ‘evils’ of business and in so doing, had kept myself trapped in struggle. It took quite a while before I got it – MY Spiritual Business would only flourish when I combined Spirit and Business in the same way I combine breathing in with breathing out.

Fortunately I had the skills and learning from my background in marketing and business to know the ‘what’ of business principles and how to harmonize these with the important aspects of my spirituality.

But if, like most Natural Health Practitioners and small business owners, you don’t have a business or marketing background; how can you achieve this?

First, become clear about what you intend to achieve and ensure your head, heart and work are always aligned to that direction.

Second, take all the positive Spiritual Values you hold about integrity, service to others, respecting others and/or the planet and make them cornerstone Values for your business.

Third, fully open yourself to the Law of Abundance and recognize that through an equal balance of giving and receiving you are better able to fulfill your purpose and serve more people. If you find it hard to receive, remember you’re actually denying someone else the opportunity of doing what you like to do most – give.

 Certified EFT Intuitive Mentor & Coach for Heart Centered Solo-Entrepreneurs –  Reeny Barron empowers transformational entrepreneurs to achieve their life and business goals aligning purpose, passion and mindset – Connecting Heart and Business to Attract the Right Clients, Opportunities, Income and  Lifestyle.

Take the time to develop a business plan that feels authentic, and then develop a clear plan of implementation. When you understand that the foundation of business is to share value with someone else, you come full circle with a heart-centered spiritual practice.      Her blogs, includes inspirational articles showing you how to use your business to create your ideal lifestyle.  Grab the full article, “the Top Ten Reasons  your Spiritual Business is Keeping you Disadvantaged and Broke , at www.passionandpossibilities.com

Like us on Facebook  as we are   soon releasing an e-book/workbook that will get your head and heart thinking seriously connected.


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