anxiety worry fear begin afraidWhen we are searching for our Higher Purpose emotions such as fear, being afraid to step out, anxiety and worry become main enemies of the mind, and they are very exhausting on the body.

Everyone is afraid at some point in their lives. Anxiety and worry, being afraid;   can come in many forms, and sometimes it can be very serious. This stops us and we can’t do anything. – remain stuck.   As a result, we can’t make sense of even simple tasks.

These emotions has a negative effect on the whole body. Immunity is lowered, the digestive system is messed up, and the flow of blood to the brain is slowed down. The last thing can lead to Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease in the elderly, so don’t do that.

It is exhausting being afraid to step out

To get over our negative emotions of worry, anxietyand being afraid, we need to accept ourselves, listen to other people’s stories, and think about our own feelings.

First, we need to admit that we are afraid of something, and then we need to do something about it. With boldness, some  of us can hide our fears, but that does not help us in the long run. There are those who even if their fears are small, acknowledging them is a big part of the way to win. Only when we face our fears do we start taking steps to get over them.

The second thing to do is to listen. Our doubts tell us that we need to do something different. In what ways do we listen? Note what kind of thoughts are going through your mind and be aware of your own inner world. Checking the quality of our thoughts and feelings doesn’t have to be a big deal. We can do this while we are walking or doing something that doesn’t require a lot of mental focus. Once we know why we are afraid, we can move on to the next step of introspection.

What causing us to worry

It turns out that most of our fears aren’t true. It’s not easy for some people to fly. Every day, a lot of planes fly. How many of them crash? A plane crash has a very small chance of killing you. Some people even die in their sleep every year. Is that the reason we don’t sleep? Is the fear of flying a good idea or not? When we think logically like this, we can get over a lot of things we’re afraid of.

Most of the time, fear, anxiety and worry are linked to things that happened in the past or to a future unknown yet to occur. We can spend our time thinking about the past or dreaming about what might happen in the future instead of taking advantage of what is going on now. In the long run, this might cause some to become depressed or anxious, which can make us deparved from the good things in life.

Worrying is a lot of work mentally and physically.,

Thoughts create our reality

Another way to get rid of your worrying is to try this:

When you are afraid, you can put your thoughts in a “mental box.” When we have these kinds of thoughts, we tell ourselves this isn’t the time for them and put them in a box for when we’re ready for them again. Eventually, as soon as we do this all the time, we won’t experience fear, worry or anxiety at all. Also, when we stop worrying, we become more productive, which is where we want to be.  To have thoughts that aren’t useful, we must think about good things in life.

We can better deal with our fears, worry and anxiety if we try to be rational, calm, and detached. When we are angry or hurt, we become confused and can’t think of a good way to act.

Our best way to get rid of negative emotions from our lives is to meditate or connect with our Universal Source.

We are generally afraid if we don’t have enough peace, power, knowledge, or something else in their soul.

As soon as we understand that we are souls, and remember our Universal Souce is an ocean of peace and power and love, we will begin to feel these virtues. Regular practise of meditation enables us to rest in our the soul – stable, and powerful souls have clear discernment. When this happens, the gaps holding us back disappear, and we are freed from worry.

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