You must have a clear vision for what you want to accomplish. Chances are, when you do, it’s much more likely to be realized. Perhaps your purpose in life is to help people through your business. You probably have a huge passion for what you do, but sometimes everything conspires to get in the way of getting things done—right now! Here are three things you can do to get on track and stay there.

1. Let Your Family and Friends KNOW Your Store Hours

You need to set store hours and put them in your calendar and let everyone in your life know that’s when you’re working and you’re NOT to be disturbed. Yes, your friends and family need you. Your dog or cat needs you; your neighbor has a pressing need. Remember, it’s her need and you have yours. Your work schedule comes first. You set your store hours, you WRITE them into your calendar and you keep them. This is iron clad.  Unless someone has a true emergency, they’ll have to figure out their lives without you when you’re working. Unless your cell phone is your primary business number, turn it off when you’re working. NO matter how hard it is, the damn thing has an OFF button, USE IT!

You need to concentrate on building your business, everything else can wait. That means the laundry, washing the car, the dishes, it can all wait. You are working and that’s your priority during your store hours. Anything else is just an excuse! It’s your time for you.

2. Stay Focused

One of the biggest obstacles to launching and building a business is distraction. Your own and other peoples’. Plan your work BEFORE you sit down to do so you know what tasks you are going to accomplish and then move through them. This level of planning will keep you focused on the correct activities. Have certain times when you check your email – you run it, don’t let it run you.

80% of your time should be spent on money making activities, 20% on admin. The closer you get to those numbers, the more success you’ll realize.

3. Reward Yourself for Work Accomplished

Taking breaks is important for your mental and physical sanity. Build in rewards like exercise or time away from everyone and everything. An hour each week spent drinking coffee and reading a business book at your favorite café can create more ideas and stimulate business growth, all the while reminding you why you work for yourself – so you can go downtown and sit in a café – even if you don’t do it all that often! Its’ motivating.

What makes you happy? A snuggle with your child? A piece of chocolate? Permission to play a computer game? Whatever it is, reward yourself when you complete tasks, especially the small ones. Don’t wait until you complete a large project. The small gains and the small rewards fuel your day and keep you sane. It matters. Your productivity will thrive and your business will grow. The big rewards will show up in your bank account.

Certified EFT Intuitive Mentor & Coach for Heart Centered Solo-Entrepreneurs –  Reeny Barron empowers transformational entrepreneurs to achieve their life and business goals aligning purpose, passion and mindset – Connecting Heart and Business to Attract the Right Clients, Opportunities, Income and  Lifestyle.

Take the time to develop a business plan that feels authentic, and then develop a clear plan of implementation. When you understand that the foundation of business is to share value with someone else, you come full circle with a heart-centered spiritual practice.      Her blogs, includes inspirational articles showing you how to use your business to create your ideal lifestyle.  Grab the full article, “the Top Ten Reasons  your Spiritual Business is Keeping you Disadvantaged and Broke , at

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